Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Price Hike: Subsidised cooking gas price has gone up by Rs 3 per cylinder

Cooking Gas Price Hike

The price of Subsidised cooking gas, or LPG, has gone up by Rs.3 per cylinder after the government's choice to hike the commission paid to dealers. The increment in commission, which is by and large passed on to consumers, has been effected from Oct 23, which was an occasion by virtue of Diwali. The commission paid to dealers was hiked by Rs.3 per 14.2 kg cylinder to Rs.43.71.

Subsidised LPG per cylinder now costs Rs. 417 in Delhi, Rs. 419 in Kolkata, Rs. 452 in Mumbai and Rs. 404 in Chennai. The dealers' bonus was last changed in December 2013 when it was hiked by Rs.3.46 per cylinder.

CCD ordered to shut doors to representatives of QNet

QNet Fake or Real
As a feature of endeavors to stop claimed unlawful activities of Hong Kong-based multi-level marketing company Qnet, blamed for contribution in a Rs 425-crore extortion, Mumbai police has requested prominent café Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) to close avenues to agents of the questionable firm.

Examinations by Mumbai Police Economic Offense Wing (EOW), examining the plan, found that delegates and representatives of the ambushed company and the firms connected with it regularly visit the city based outlets of CCD to draw prospective parts.

Agreeing to the requests of EOW, the CCD powers have glued a notice, excepting the entrance of delegates, staff and representatives of Qnet and its related firms.

The notices glued at the door by the CCD outlets in the city peruses, "according to directions got from Economic Offense Wing- Crime extension, Mumbai and Additional Police Commission of EOW Mumbai, passage is restricted for delegates, staff and workers of Vihaan Direct Selling (India) Pvt Ltd, Qnet Limited (Hong Kong), Transview Enterprises India Pvt Ltd and Vanamala Hotels, Travels & Tourism Services Pvt Ltd."

The CCD notice further states, "NOTE: We are not connected with the aforementioned in any case." Armed with court requests, Mumbai Police with the assistance of focal cyber security sleuths had blocked online gateways a couple of weeks ago to put an end to their web activities.

"Nonetheless, it has arrived at our notice that the agents have discovered option routes on the internet and are proceeding with their operations. We are leaving no stone unturned to block their activities," said an officer.

"Utilizing free Wifi offices, the company's operators work from outlets, other than gathering prospective parts to talk about business," the officer included. Gurpreet Singh, the complainant of the misrepresentation, has respected the police's prerogative saying, "It is a well known fact that Qnet's associates sit in CCD outlets scouting for their victims."

The EOW has so far captured ten persons for purportedly hoodwinking speculators by offering to offer items like attractive plates, home grown items and occasion plots through false practices.

Previous billiard champion Michael Ferreira and Bollywood actor Boman Irani's child Danesh have likewise been under scanner of the EOW as they were additionally discovered to be professedly connected with the firm, accumulating huge money through this framework, as indicated by sources.

The QNET has likewise been blamed for utilizing the banned paired pyramid business model for their multi-level marketing plans to tempt speculators. A FIR in the case was enrolled in August a year ago.

CCD Bans QNet and Associate Companies Notice 

The denounced have been accused of deceiving and imitation under applicable sections of the Prize, Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act 1978. The EOW had issued gaze out notices against QNET author Vijay Eswaran, Michael Ferreira and three business associates, sources included.

Ferreira turned up before the specialists, who recorded his statement a couple of weeks ago for his charged role in the case.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Online Ad market to reach Rs 3,575 cr by March 2015: IAMAI-IMRB report

The online publicizing market in India is anticipated to achieve Rs 3,575 crore by March 2015, with a Y-o-Y growth rate of 30 per cent. The online promoting market was pegged at Rs 2,750 crore in March 2014. These are the most recent discoveries of the 'Digital Advertising in India' report, mutually distributed by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International.

Advertising Market in IndiaIndian Digital Advertising Market Growth

Source: IAMAI & IMRB International

The report finds that presently, Search and Display are the main two supporters to the total digital advertisement spends in India. Of the Rs 2,750 crore digital advertisement market, Search promotions constitute 38 per cent of the general commercial spends, took after by Display advertisements, which help 29 per cent and Social Media helping 13 per cent of general digital advertisement spends.

It is evaluated that the extent of spends on Search advertisements will decrease and spends will increment on Email, Video and Mobile advertisements. By 2015, spends on Video advertisements will develop at a CAGR of 56 per cent and help 12 per cent to the general market offer of digital advertisements. In the money related year closure March 2014, the commitment of Search spends decreased to 30 per cent of the general digital advertisement spends, that is, helping Rs 825 crore to the Rs 2,750 crore digital advertisement market.

Total Online Ad Spends
Total Online Ad Spends India

Source: IAMAI & IMRB International

As per the report, promotion spends on cell phones are developing at a CAGR of 43 per cent and Social Media is developing at a CAGR of 41 per cent y-o-y and touched Rs 385 crore and Rs 440 crore, separately, in March 2014. Use on feature developed at a CAGR of 51 per cent and achieve Rs 303 crore by 2014. Spends on Email Ads developed at a CAGR of 16 per cent to achieve Rs 88 crore.

Further, on industry astute spends, the report finds that e-Commerce, Telecom, and FMCG & Consumer Durables are the main 3 verticals driving the digital advertisement spends in India.

Industry Wise Ad Spends

Industry wise advertisement spend in india

Monday, October 27, 2014

CHHATH Puja : Festival of the Sun God

Celebrating Chhath Pooja

Chhath is an antiquated Indian festival singularly committed to the God of Sun and Chhathi Maiya. This festival, that starts on October 27 in the not so distant future, is commended by all Hindus and particularly North Indians with energy and excitement. Individuals praise Chhath and offer appreciation to Surya Devta for gift life on earth and conceding wishes. Chhath Puja is carried on for four days and incorporates certain rituals like sacred bathing, fasting, offering prayers, and so forth. As indicated by the Hindu timetable, Chhath is praised on the sixth day of the month of Kartik (October).

On the festival of Chhath, individuals wake up ahead of schedule, scrub down in waterway Ganga and quick for the whole day. The female of the house plunges her feet in water and offers prayers to the climbing sun which is additionally called as aragh. Watching quick on this day is not in the least a simple undertaking. One needs to quick without water for around 36 hours, which is alongside incomprehensible. Caps off to all aficionados who watch and do this quick with full devotion.

Mythological legends about Chhath Puja

Draupadi and Pandavas

In Hindu religion, Chhath festival has more noteworthy criticalness and join with the most seasoned and aged Purohits who were asked for by the Kings to perform conventional puja of Lord Sun. amid those days, the Purohits droned the age-old Rigveda and songs. Chhath Puja amid more seasoned times was praised by Draupadi and Pandavas from the Mahabharata who recaptured their lost kingdom.

Lord Rama and Goddess Sita

It is said that the first Chhath Puja was begun by Surya Putra Karna, who was a bold warrior and managed over Anga Desh(bihar). An alternate history being that Chhath Puja is the untold story of Lord Rama. Master Rama and Goddess Sita had fasted and offered puja to the Lord Sun amid their royal celebration after they came back to Ayodhya.

Chhathi Maiya

The Goddess who is loved the most amid Chhath Puja is 'Chhathi Maiya'. She is said to be the associate of Surya – Sun God. Lovers adore her with the goal that they can beat their issues and can get Moksha. Chhathi Maiya is otherwise called 'Usha', which implies the first beam of light amid the day. As indicated by the myth, Usha and Pratusha were the wives of Lord Sun and both are venerated alongside the Sun.

Advantage of Chhath Puja

1. In the wake of watching and performing Chhath Puja, one snatches control over the stream of prana and additions a ton of vitality and positive vibes. It keeps one solid as well as enhances the skin and visual perception.

2. The whole process helps in expanding insusceptibility and cures an assortment of contaminations through the radiation of the Sun.

3. Loving the Sun and remaining in water for the whole day serves to think and unwinds the spirit and the brain.

4. This procedure likewise helps in battling sicknesses and enhances the execution of WBC (white platelets).

5. Sun based vitality gives the body power and controls the emission of hormones.

Old rituals and conventions

Upon the arrival of Chhath Puja, the aficionado needs to wash up and needs to watch quick for four consistent days. One needs to perform this puja with full immaculateness and ought to give up all extravagant propensities. It is accepted that the family who performs Chhath Puja once needs to proceed with it for whatever is left of their lives and ought to likewise pass on the rituals to the cutting edge. Here are the rituals of Chhath Puja:

1. The primary day of the Chhath Puja - Nahay khay - ought to begin with blessed bath and the aficionado needs to bring some measure of water at their home for advertising. The surroundings must be clean enough to perform the puja.

2. On the second day - Lohanda and Kharna - lovers watch quick for the whole day and specifically break quick at night after sunset. The sustenance arranged is then offered in the puja and at night again they begin fasting and that as well, without water for the following 36 hours.

3. The third day contains Sandhya and Arghya wherein the females wear sarees of turmeric shade and offer arghya on the waterway bank of Ganga. Further, the occasion of Kosi is praised by lighting lights or diyas under five sugarcane stays. This shows Panchatattva which contain five components of the human body.

4. The most recent day of Chhath - Usha Arghya – is the place aficionados offer Bihaniya Aragh on the waterway bank of Ganga alongside their crew. What's more before the day's over fans break their quick by expending prasad.

Prasad on Chhath Puja:

Delicacies prepared on Chhath Puja:On the auspicious event of Chhath Puja, individuals plan prasad which they offer to Lord Sun. Enticing dishes are arranged on the first day, including kheer, theku, products of the soil. The nourishment ought to conceivably be cooked without salt, onion and garlic. The individual watching the quick needs to devour the supper once in a day that excessively which is cooked utilizing bronze or mango wood utensils.


Happy Chhath Puja to everyone out there! Hope God grants the wishes of one and all with well-being, happiness and prosperity.

Tips to Increase Your Conversion Rate on Twitter [Infographic]

Twitter Tips and Tricks
At this point, most marketers realize that Twitter isn't simply a great medium for making and strengthening your brand image - its additionally a device for arriving at fans of your business who can get to be leads (and, at last, deals).

Anyhow basically realizing that Twitter can profit isn't sufficient: Marketers need to be equipped with the most ideal approach to execute on this knowledge. At this moment, just 34% of marketers use Twitter to effectively create leads. The issue isn't seeing how to utilize Twitter - its seeing how to utilize Twitter to construct a business.

Thus, to help you streamline your Twitter vicinity to create leads and deals, Hubspot collaborated with Market Domination Media to make the infographic underneath. While each business ought to test what works best for them, you can utilize these detail and tips to begin utilizing Twitter for lead era.

While each business ought to test what works best for them, you can utilize these detail and tips to begin utilizing Twitter for lead era.

If you have any other suggestion please comment below.

Infographic Source: HubSpot

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sadashiv Amrapurkar in critical condition : Bollywood News

sadashiv Amrapurkar Bollywood news
Versatile bollywood actor Sadashiv Amrapurkar, who has been hospitalized at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital (KDAH) here, is currently on life support ventilator and his condition is critical, says his girl Reema Amrapurkar.

"He is on life support ventilator now however his condition is critical. In any case, his body is reacting great to the ventilators. He experienced lung infection a couple of weeks once again after which he was hospitalized at Kokilaben hospital," Reema Amrapurkar told IANS.

The 64-year-old was hospitalized two weeks back and is presently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

He is known for his exhibitions in "Sadak', "Ardh Satya" among others. Well known for assuming negative parts, Amrapukar had won a Filmfare award for the character he played in the Sanjay Dutt starrer "Sadak" in 1991.

Separated from being an actor, he is likewise a social lobbyist. A year ago, Amrapurkar was assaulted by some men at Versova after he challenged against the wastage of water for Holi festivals.

Read more about Sadashiv Amrapurkar here

Sundar Pichai takes control of Google's crucial products

Sundar Pichai Google
That being said, we figure congrats are in place. As indicated by Re/code, Sundar Pichai, the senior VP at Google who used to simply be in charge of the Chrome, Android, and web applications teams now essentially has control of very nearly every other Google product division of note. Look? Google+? Advertisements? Indeed the organization's framework? The majority of that has been obviously left CEO Larry Page's plate and onto Pichai - not an enormous astonishment considering his uplifted conspicuousness inside Mountain View over the previous months. Pichai, a nine year Google veteran, was even supposed to be one of the main decisions for Microsoft's new CEO, however the part inevitably went to long-term organization insider Satya Nadella.

In any case, that is a considerable measure of force in one man's hands, particularly considering that the publicizing division Pichai inherited fundamentally pays for the various peculiar, astounding things Google gets to do. It's important that not every Google product falls under Pichai's recently opened umbrella, however. There's Youtube, for one; that still stays under Susan Wojcicki's control, which she assumed control recently. Goodness, and all the truly perfect stuff - Nest's developing web of-things group, the biotech advancements in the works at Calico, the moonshots under development at Google X - are all still immovably in Page's pocket. Actually, his adoration for the recent may be what brought about this seismic initiative move in any case. Re/code notes that Page has communicated an enthusiasm toward concentrating on the "greater picture" stuff that'll characterize what the Google of tomorrow will look like, coating up with prior reports that he's been tapping inward ability to evaluate what enormous, world-changing problems Google ought to truly be attempting to fix.

Source : Re/Code

Friday, October 24, 2014

India Post Signs an MoU with Snapdeal and Shopclues

With 1.50 lakh post offices the nation over, India Post has marked a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian E-business organizations Snapdeal and Shopclues, to hold hands and move the e-trade logistics.

As expressed in a discharge by iGovernment, on the event of Business Development Day on fourteenth Oct 2014 the department of postal services chose to hold hands with the two online commercial centers, to coddle their logistics needs with its wide reach. As an exchange, for getting their backing for an INR 4909 crore IT anticipate, to acquire electronic network and ability over 1.5 lakhs Post Offices for improved conveyance of all mail & financial services.

Vijay Ajmera, Sr. VP (Finance) said that they are cheerful to pick Department of Post as their delivering accomplice and this organization will give their e-trade business a more extensive achieve and system.

Talking about this affiliation, Sanjay Sethi, CEO & Co-Founder, Shopclues said, "We're a commercial center for the masses and almost 65% of our clients and shippers are situated in the non-metros or level 2/3 towns. With the most stretched out conveyance organize in the nation, India Post will certainly be a critical accomplice in our logistics operations. On a

Indian Post sign MOU with Snapdeal and Shopclues
crest day, Shopclues services in excess of 85,000 requests and with this tie-up, we hope to enhance our offering for clients over 25,000 pin codes."

John Samuel, Member Postal Services Board said, "India Post is no more what it was and is experiencing a time of significant change. In the last few years, the post office is reexamining itself to give services that fit into the necessity of all e-trade players. I am exceptionally happy that the Department of Posts and have marked an announcement of purpose about the key business relationship that both the organizations will take forward."

Shopclues at first had a neighborhood tie up with the Department of Posts whereby they would get their products just from their satisfaction focuses. Be that as it may, post this MOU, Shopclues and India Post have now connected with one another on a national level.

The Postal Department is attempting to stay aware of the changing patterns of Indian buyers. Considering that this body indulges the most extreme number of pin codes in correlation to any private logistics firm, such a tie-up could be an aid for the online players.

Indian Air Force asks personnel not to use Xiaomi phones

Chinese smartphone creator Xiaomi which took the market by storm with its low valued Mi3 and Redmi 1s smartphones is again under the magnifying lens. 

The Indian Air Force, in an alert issued to IAF staff and their relatives, guaranteed that Xiaomi made smartphones and tablets are sending private user information to remote servers placed in China.

Earlier Xiaomi was under flame subsequent to there were various security concerns with its Mi Cloud messaging administrations. Xiaomi then made the Mi Cloud a discretionary administration in the fallout of security allegations.
Xiaomi Air Force Security

"f-secure, a main security arrangement organization, as of late did a test of Xiaomi Redmi 1s, the organization's budget smartphone, and found that the phone was sending transporter name, phone number, IMEI (the gadget identifier) in addition to numbers from location book and instant messages once again to Beijing," the IAF note says.

A few months back, the armed force additionally located a comparative security hazard and issued a statement"every Internet organization and telecom administrator in China, both outside and household, is held legitimately subject for all substance imparted through their platforms."currently Xiaomi is researching the matter since India is a significant market. 

We will update you as often as possible on any further advancement.

Source: Indian Express

Response from Xiaomi

Xiaomi Redmi Phones

I read your article about the Indian Air Force round to their staff encouraging them not to utilize gadgets made by Xiaomi. I might truly want to elucidate a couple of key focuses.

1. Xiaomi does not gather any data without user consent

We offer different Internet based administrations, for example, Mi Cloud and Cloud Messaging which oblige data to be put away in the cloud. We take thorough precautionary measures to guarantee that all data is secured when transferred to Xiaomi servers and is not put away past the time needed. Users will dependably be advised in advance in circumstances when we require your individual data, and will need to sanction the solicitation.

Mi Cloud and Cloud Messaging are pick in administrations which users can turn on and off whenever, giving users complete control.

2. The concerns raised by F-Secure have been completely tended to

We accept the warning roundabout issued by IAF is focused around occasions around 2 months back. It alludes to the F-Secure test done on the Redmi 1s in July 2014 about the enactment of our Cloud Messaging administration (which empowers users to send instant messages free of charge). We promptly tended to the concerns raised, which was specifically recognized by F-Secure after 4 days.

It would be ideal if you allude to this post by F-Secure affirming their worries were tended to:


3. We are as of now moving our Indian users' data to servers outside of China

Since ahead of schedule 2014, we have been relocating our administrations and comparing data for Indian users from our Beijing data focuses to Amazon AWS data focuses in Singapore and USA. This relocation will be completely finished before the year's over.

This aides enhance the execution of our administrations furthermore give some significant serenity to users in India in guaranteeing that we treat their data with the most extreme care and will dependably keep up the most elevated privacy models.

Happy New Year Movie Review

"Happy New Year" (HNY) is a standout amongst the most-built up and exceptionally expected Bollywood films of 2014. Following the time when chief Farah Khan published it in October 2012, the film has been making buzz in the media for all great reasons. After a long hold up, the flick has been at last discharged in theaters abroad on 22 October. The film appears to have arrived at the viewers' desires that it had made before its discharge.

Written by Farah Khan, "Happy New Year" is a heist dramatization film that spins around the story of a group of six failures, who take part in a move rivalry to burglarize a jewel. Mayur Puri has penned the dialogs for the film, which has been created with an incredible plan of ₹150 crore by Shah Rukh's wife Gauri Khan.

Separated structure SRK, the lead parts are played by Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Sonu Sood, Boman Irani and Vivaan Shah. They show up as fake dance specialists, who endeavor the best precious stone heist ever. The film has Vishal Shekhar's soundtracks, John Stewart Eduri's experience score, Manush Nandan's cinematography and Anand Subaya's editing.

Here are the few reviews of film from different websites:

Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Paloma Sharma Site:Rediff
The film relies more on the two-minute noodle brand of patriotism than it does on common sense in order to further the plot. This could have been a much better film if only it had dared to move out of its comfort zone. Happy New Year is a film that’s bound to make you feel good, but trust me, the feeling won’t last
Visit Site for more 
Ratings:4.5/5 Review By: Hungama Network Site:Bollywood Hungama

Farah Khan by now, seems to know audience's taste when it comes to masala movies. And maybe that's why she makes absolute no mistake while serving the dish called HAPPY NEW YEAR. The film is a bit stretched with its run time going to almost 3 hours, the comic moments, dance and music keeps you engaged. All in all, HAPPY NEW YEAR is definitely a smash hit film, which has blockbuster written all over it. The film will set new records in the days to come. Go for it!
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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Mohar Basu Site:Koimoi

Happy New Year is two distinct films rolled in one. While the first hour is breezy, fun and pretty watchable, the second hour is a convoluted mess with a heist angle that doesn’t work, a romantic track that seems forced, the vivaciousness lacking from the camaraderie and the sappyness of a dukhbhari daastan of a backstory. It is a half baked film that uses all the regular heist and formulaic tools and naturally offers nothing unseen or unexpected.
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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Rohit Khilnani Site:Headlines Today

Farah Khan's masala flick Happy New Year has everything going well businesswise but it's extremely low on content. It's grand, beautiful, shot in exotic locations across Dubai, has all the SRK moves which fans love, a hit Jodi , it's visually appealing but there is nothing else apart from that! The challenge is to entertain and Happy New Year falls short in entertaining, it's long length of over three hours being the weakest point.
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Ratings:-- Review By: Sneha May Francis Site:Emirates247

Low on logic, and high on opulence, her movies flourish on song and dance, and rides purely on Shah Rukh Khan’s shoulders, or might we add abs! Her ‘Happy New Year’, however, is her weakest dance link, or should we say the “worst” yet. It’s never about the dance but about comedy of the lowest rank and over-the-top patriotism. Armed with no real story and dialogues and scenes borrowed from SRK’s earlier films, ‘Happy New Year’s exposes Farah’s deep desire to impress SRK.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hacking Of Websites: New Type Of War??

Website Hacked - Indo Pak War
Indeed as gunfire keeps on being exchanged over the Indo-Pak border, an all out hacking and destruction war has emitted in the internet. On Thursday, over twelve Indian and Pakistani sites were mutilated by programmers from either side of the wall.

The site of the Press Club of India (PCI) in the capital was hacked and destroyed, with the programmers' message on the site's landing page guaranteeing Pakistani beginning.

A programmer gathering calling itself "Indian Hackers Online Squad" hacked and destroyed the site of the Pakistan's fundamental resistance party, Pakistan People's Party (PPP), on Wednesday, with one "Bl@k Dr@gon" asserting credit. On Thursday, the Pakistan routes site was hacked also, the second time not long from now, with the same name showing up on the ruined page.

Reacting to a Wednesday assault on Malayalam movies performer Mohanlal's site, a gathering called "The Mallu troopers" mutilated the site of Pakistan's National University of Modern Languages. The sites of Quaid-e-Azam Public College in Gujranwala (, Pakistan Electric Power Company (Private) Limited ( and National Manpower Bureau ( were additionally among the locales hacked by unnamed Indian programmers.

The "about me" page of artist Sonu Nigam's official site and were additionally mutilated by a gathering guaranteeing to be "Pakistan Cyber Attackers". Two Punjab news sites were likewise shown up for have been hacked.

Digital security expert Rakshit Tandon says that he had been getting consistent calls all through Thursday to report these episodes. The programmers guaranteed to be from Pakistan and India. Yet Tandon feels it would be savvier to sit tight for the examination to affirm their areas. "It is simple for somebody to utilize a substitute server and case to be originating from anyplace on the planet," says Tandon, additionally guide to the Gurgaon digital cell.

Indeed as the programmers proceeded with well into Thursday night, hashtags like #buzdilpakistan have been drifting in India on Twitter, while the Paksitan top patterns gimmick labels, for example, #cowardmodi, #freekashmirfromindia, #indiaisterrorist, and #saynotobollywood.

Asking individuals to quiet down, Indo-Pak fellowship bunch Aaghaz-E-Dosti has asked netizens not to light the pressure. "We must realize that for both the nations, peace is of most extreme essentialness furthermore our normal need is continuously centered around improvement as opposed to using tremendous cash of expenses for arms and ammunition...we accept that any debate can be determined just by talk and common transaction and understandings and not with savagery," said an announcement discharged by the gathering of adolescents from India and Pakistan.

A late report from the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) says the org took care of 71,780 digital assaults and followed 24216 Indian site destructions in 2013. "The vast majority of the disfigurement were under ".in" area, in which an aggregate 15490 ".in" space sites were damaged," says the report.

The PPP destruction reacted to gathering administrator and Bhutto family scion Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's remarks on taking back Kashmir from India. The site was mutilated with pics disparaging his remarks on Kashmir. "To Citizens of Pakistan, Pakistan's Army, Pakistan Peoples Party and Specially Mr. Bilawal Bhutto- Zardari. Without any Violence Let Me let you know that Pakistan will never Get Kashmir. This is the Truth. You Have to Accept it :)" said the message on the page.

Press Club of India authorities said the break on the PCI site occurred around four days back. The PCI has documented a protestation with the digital wrongdoing cell in Mehrauli. This is the second time in three years that their site - has been hacked.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Price Your Services: A Guide For Web Designers

Web Designers Guide

Pricing your design services is a difficulty that all web designers face. It can be extremely hard to put a fiscal esteem on your time and your experience. Whether you like this part of designing or not, it is something you have to do in the event that you are a specialist or on the off chance that you operate a web design company.

Shockingly, pricing your services is not a careful science. You have to consider a considerable measure of factors in order to price a project effectively. What's more you may observe that you have to price diverse projects in an alternate manner so you are remunerated reasonably.

In this article, I would like talk about the factors you ought to consider when pricing your web design services.

Hourly or Fixed

Design projects are ordinarily charged as a settled price or on a hourly basis. It is vital to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of each one pricing structure.

Clients for the most part like to pay a settled price for design work so they know ahead of time the full cost of a project. The benefit of this is that both gatherings know in advance what the cost will be i.e. a customer needs a design and will pay you X measure of cash.

For designers, charging on a hourly basis may be a more pragmatic arrangement as it guarantees you don't miss out monetarily if the project takes longer.

Consider a website design that you expect will take 20 hours to complete. Before you undertake the project, you could quote the customer a charge of $1,000 or a hourly expense of $50 for every hour. On the off chance that you charge an altered price and figure out how to complete the website inside ten hours, you have successfully earned an extra ten hours of wage. In any case imagine a scenario in which the project takes longer than anticipated. Imagine a scenario where the website took 25 hours, 30 hours, or even 40 hours to complete. You could wind up investing twofold the time you had expected for no extra profit.

As you gain more experience in outsourcing, you will have a superior understanding of what is included in a project. Hence, in the event that you are certain that you won't confront any issues with a design, it might be worth charging the customer an altered price. Notwithstanding, things don't generally go to arrange and it is hard to see the difficulties that a specific design may introduce. That is the reason charging for every hour is supported by numerous designers. A decent option is to charge an altered price for a project and after that charge more in the event that it takes more than a concurred number of hours to complete.

Regardless of the fact that you support charging by the hour, you may be confronted with the choice on whether it is worth undertaking a project on an altered price basis (e.g. a project publicized on an outsourcing website or in light of the fact that a customer needs to know the last cost in advance). Make certain to assess each one project and know the upsides and downsides of each one charging choice before you concur terms with the customer.

Focus the Market Rate 

Knowing the market rate for design work will help you price your own particular services successfully. You can do this by checking the rates of competitors on their website and through independent marketplaces.

Comprehend the market that you will be focusing on:
  • Will you be putting forth your services by regional standards or globally?
  • Is it true that you are focusing on little organizations or expansive organizations?
  • Will you be tackling more modest employments (e.g. logos, pennants) or greater projects (e.g. complete websites)?
Contrast like with like with guarantee that you have a practical appraisal of the market rate of your services.

Assess Your Own Skill Level

In the event that you can put your sense of self to one side, it is beneficial assessing the nature of your services against competitors. This will help you figure out if you can charge more than the market rate.

Do you have more experience than your competitors?

Would you be able to offer something that others can't e.g. specialized or design experience?

Do you have a decent notoriety inside your market?

Being mindful of your own ability level will permit you to price your rates likewise and legitimize these rates to clients.

Distinguish Your Own Costs

Be mindful of your business costs when you are evaluating your services. On a project to project basis, you ought to fuse the expense of any stock pictures or templates you have to buy for the project. You ought to incorporate any costs of contracting an alternate engineer or designer to help you with any problems you may confront as well.

Likewise consider continuous outsourcing costs, for example, promoting expenses, telephone calls, protection, and any voyaging expenses that are included going by the customer. The vital thing to recollect is that any expenses you bring about will consume into your profits. Thusly, they ought to be fused into your valuing structure from the start.

Sign A Contract

It is to your greatest advantage, and your clients investments, to sign a contract before you work together. Your contract ought to detail:
  • The assessed time to finish the project and what happens if the project takes more time to finish
  • What number of revisions are incorporated with your beginning draft
  • Whether you will be working set days for every week and whether you have any holidays arranged
  • How installment will be made
  • What happens if the customer alters their opinion and needs to change the outline
  • What conditions need to be met to scratch off the project early
  • Whether the customer be charged an extra fee if the project obliges more work than anticipated
  • Whether the customer can pay an extra fee to make their project need and completion the outline sooner
  • The measure of help, if any, that is provided after the outline has been finished

It is insufficient to have your terms and conditions concurred verbally with the customer. You ought to sign a contract so that the law is on your side. At any rate, you have to make it clear on your site what happens in specific circumstances and have the customer consent to those terms through an online affirmation structure. This will stay away from unnecessary problems emerging later on.

Last Thoughts

Estimating your services is an important piece of working as a designer. On the off chance that you contemplate all valuing factors, you ought to value your services effectively. Despite the fact that recall that estimating your services is not an accurate science, so you have to acknowledge the way that you might sometimes under value your services. With experience, this gets to be less of an issue.

While you may need to drop your costs a little at the start to urge clients to attempt a designer with few past clients, be mindful that evaluating your services excessively low may pull in tire kickers that waste all your time.

Do you have any estimating exhortation to impart to individual designers? Assuming this is the case, please impart your tips in the remark region beneath :)

Watch India's fascinating retail market LIVE [Infographic]

Indians spend over INR 30,000 every second, with more money heading off to the offline organizations than to online organizations every minute.

The infographic underneath underlines how and where the Indians spend their cash and how rapidly these numbers grow.

Concerning online business Flipkart, the aggregate number of every day deals is shockingly high: around 1.4% of the money used online goes to Flipkart. The graph additionally demonstrates a high number of online guests the online shopping store has for every day. Additionally the quantity of revenues Bollywood every day produces is immense.

Regardless of the way that there have been a few reports about online credit card fraud in India, the infographic reflects that individuals still make utilization of their credit cards.

As showed, individuals in India want to drink Coca-Cola over Coffee, yet Tea is still the most loved refreshment contrasted with them. On the negative side, the infographic shows that on every 6 jars of coke there comes 1 container of brewskie.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Think and Design Mobile First

The web is changing at a alarm rate and how we get to it and utilization it has likewise radically changed. Yet numerous marketing organizations are continuously greatly abate in grasping this change and checking on their internet advertising methodology to adjust to their changing client conduct.

Marketing today

Most organizations have a corporate site. Yes its proceeded onward a tad bit from the times of an online pamphlet, however not a great deal, the greater part of the substance is generally static or organized for survey on an large desktop screen. Showcasing divisions throughout the last few years have been adding to their online methodology by ticking the boxes i.e we must have a Facebook page, shouldn't we think about Twitter, must have that O bear in mind about Linkedin thing- Ticked the crates we are all done, simply need to upgrade them once in a while and pump out white papers, articles and so forth

Mobile Website Designing

Tragically for the promoting division your audience has moved on. 50% of all internet get to by your clients is carried out through a cell phone, yet all your lovely sites you have invested years consummating are currently a true torment for your gathering of people to view on their cell phone. Your crowd is not stuck looking at an big screen in their front room any longer, however out in the road, taking a gander at items, exploring and so forth before they go in and purchase. In the event that they can't get to the data they need in that spot and afterward overlook it, a contenders easy to use content has induced them to act generally.

So How would you get into the Game?

Have a similar think as a customer… and by the way when you're not at work you are a client so what data do you have to settle on a buying choice. So all that data on your corporate site… reconsider, break it down, what is missing and what is not required is more to the point. On a cell phone you would prefer not to peruse about the history of the organization, the management team and more… you need the area, store hours, possibly if the item is in stock and so on. By pondering the order, sort and connection of the substance to be seen on a little screen you are really breaking down the purchasing procedure into its purest structure. From this you can simply add more substance to backing if the gadget has all the more land i.e walking and review on a cell, and afterward sitting at home later surfing on a tablet. 

Mobile Design SEOBe that as it may, versatile setting is significantly more than simply screen size. Our cell phones are with us wherever we set out for some, opening whole new utilize cases. Since we continually have our cell phones with us, integration could be everywhere, going from solid wi-fi motions on the lounge chair to 3g or EDGE when out on the town. Moreover, touch screens open new chances to communicate specifically with substance and portable ergonomics lead to distinctive contemplations when outlining design and usefulness. So when are say outline most showcasing individuals consequently hop to the visual angle i.e the representation, the photographs, the feature… .regardless what your gathering of people truly needs is substance and visual components simply impede the client experience. Visual outline which used to be at the begining of the web configuration transform a couple of years back is presently further back the whole time. The substance, ease of use, usefulness is basic to your versatile group of onlookers but most showcasing experts and associations disregard this urgent piece of the improvement process.
The limits a cell phone puts on advertising divisions makes us ponder what substance is truly critical to our clients, how they really are going to collaborate with the organization and trust it or not we can get truly innovative with these stipulations. This does not mean we all need to go out and create Apps, you can make easy to understand web encounters that are more financially savvy and incorporated with your current web property.


Its time… yes the time is presently whether your B2b or B2c. So we all need to quit producing more substance for lead gen STOP, STEP BACK, THINK and focus on what your client truly need… content that is important, simple to get to, simple to utilize, or more all includes esteem when they

Clean India Campaign - PM's call for a Clean India

Clean India Campaign
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said he had welcomed nine people to join the massive cleanliness drive that he propelled today and asked for each of them to draw nine more into the initiative to make it viral.

He additionally asked people to transfer their videos online.

There was much praise from his group of onlookers at India Gate as he named every big name. The Prime Minister has labeled in his cleanliness challenge Goa governor Mridula Sinha, cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, yoga master Baba Ramdev, Congress legislator and previous union minister Shashi Tharoor, on-screen characters Kamal Haasan, Priyanka Chopra and Salman Khan, industrialist Anil Ambani and the group of well known TV serial Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma.

The PM said people required to "change their mindset and join hands" to clean the country. "This is not about Modi... Modi is stand out of its 1.2 billion people... this is a people's task," he said.

The 'Swachh Bharat' or 'Clean India' battle he said was past governmental issues. "It is propelled by patriotism not governmental issues," he said, praising past governments for their exertions towards cleanliness.

"In the event that Indians can achieve Mars, they surely can clean up the country," the Prime Minister said, conceding that it was a troublesome task. (Watch PM's full discourse)

"At the same time we have five years," he said, alluding to his objective of a clean India in 2019, Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth celebration.