Monday, December 29, 2014

Airtel drops plans to charge extra for VoIP calls

VoIP Calls - Airtel Data Plans
Bharti Airtel on Monday published rolling once again of plan to begin charging clients for Voice over Internet Protocol (Voip) services that incorporate applications, for example, Skype, Line and Viber, which lets users make free calls through the Internet.

The telecom operator said, "In perspective of the news reports that a consultation paper will be issued presently by TRAI on issues identifying with services offered by OTT players including Voip, we have chosen not to actualize our proposed dispatch of Voip packs."

Airtel had a week ago chose to charge Voip calls wherein client could picked Voip particular data packs. For prepaid users, the Voip pack was evaluated at Rs 75 for 75 MB with a legitimacy of 28 days. Comparable plan was affirmed for postpaid clients.

In a matter of seconds, users are not charged any fee by the operators to utilize these applications. They simply need to pay the regular data charge for Internet skimming.

The move via Airtel got a ton of fire from users on social media furthermore started an examination over net neutrality. The operator, nonetheless, had shielded it saying it had put over Rs 1,40,000 crore in rolling out network and further Rs. 50,000 crore have been paid as government duties and, hence it discovered offering Voip services for free as not valid for business.

In light of Airtel's announcement on the business not being suitable in the current structure, Medianama, an entrance on telecom, called attention to that in simply the last over two years, Airtel has earned Rs. 141,545 crore in incomes, and Rs. 16,211 crore in benefit. Over 20 years they have earned generous profit for their investment.

Response to Airtel net neutrality violation - Medianama
While Airtel's decision to charge more for these services was not as per net neutrality, it is not illegal as there are no norms in the nation for the same. Net neutrality is the standard that internet administration suppliers ought to treat all data on the internet similarly, and not segregate or charge diversely by client, substance, webpage, stage, or application.

Ugly Movie review : Gripping tale of Ugly world of Ugly minds

Film: Ugly (2014)
Ugly Review | Bollywood Movie Review


Casting: Rahul Bhat, Ronit Roy, Tejaswini Kolhapure, Vineet Singh, Girish Kulkarni, Surveen Chawla, Sidhant Kapoor

Director: Anurag Kashyap

People are selfish with crooked minds. Getting cornered in life them makes edgy. This franticness slaughters everything that is good, human and guiltless. What's more finish absence of these qualities make the world ugly.

Anurag Kashyap's "Ugly" will abandon you in stun about how people are getting such a great amount of individualistic in the wrong significance of the statement. It will leave a severe lingering flavor which you will make a decent attempt to eradicate. On the off chance that world is similar to this, it better not exist. The more you think about the film, its characters and the amusements they play, you simply can't yet feel "Yukkk"! Without express visual bloodiness or offensiveness, the regurgitation inciting plans of these ugly minds will send chills down your spine. What's more that advocates the title of the movie totally.

Written and Directed by Anurag Kashyap, "Ugly" is an Anurag Kashyap Movie from begin till end. It is dim, discouraging, complex, yet holding, charming film which will keep you snared with it. Story of the movie uncovers around the capturing of a young lady and how the nearby people in her life demonstration and respond in that circumstance. There is a complete absence of adoration, empathy or blamelessness inside the characters, a large portion of whom are attempting to run path from one another or their current circumstance. The sheer grotesqueness of these absence of emotions is depicted shrewdly in the composition. The peak will abandon you touched and paralyzed.

As a Director, Anurag takes the movie up different levels. From the first casing and scene itself he sucks the audience in his portrayal. Note the ambient sounds in the first scene. Since that first scene, utilizing his specialty and abilities Anurag controls the audience emotions, snatches them by neck and drags them to face starkness of the truth. Like the characters, we likewise attempt to tackle the riddle behind the grabbing alongside them. Still Kashyap is fruitful in shocking us at the layer by layer disclosure of the story. This is to be sure his one of the best work.

Kashyap is so honest in his depiction of narcissistic carrying on of his characters that he very nearly feels like brutal. He alongside his proofreader Aarati Bajaj is to the point and trust on audience sagacity. They maintain a strategic distance from any sort of spoon feeding and that makes the film noteworthy. In any case again there is such a variety of things event while at commonly it gets to be excessively complex for even the most mindful audience. Lessening few tracks or characters could have made a difference. Likewise even they can guarantee the movie to be "open ended" yet it has few remaining details. Shutting those might not be considered as spoon feeding.

There can be numerous questions about the story which are unanswered and can be effectively left under the affectation that "Let the audience think themselves" however those by and by turn me off and unsettle me till I know the definite story. Numerous say it is the accomplishment of the film to launch a dialog about what precisely was the plot, however for me it is one of the negative focuses.

Mukesh Chhabra made an exceptional showing in casting of the film. There are just few known performing artists in the movie however everybody does impeccable equity to their roles. Each one character is as complex and testing as others and all the performing artists get equivalent opportunity to demonstrate their forces. Ronit Roy (as Shoumik Bose) flawlessly plays the critical Police officer who is brutal and is under steady weight because of his own decisions in life and effects of it. Despite the fact that we have seen him in such roles different times (Udaan, Boss, and so on). Tejaswini Kolhapure, as the disheartened wife of Shoumik with self-destructive propensities, inspires with her underplay. In the part of her ex, Rahul Varshney/Kapoor, Rahul Bhat awes with his acting. His body change in youth and after that in adult years demonstrates the endeavors he took for the part.

Famous Marathi Actor Girish Kulkarni (Dewool, Masala, Pune 52 distinction) makes a big appearance in Bollywood and depicts the part of normal Police Inspector who tries to make his regular work at the cost of making fun of the complainant and exploited people. He demonstrates the varieties in his part from a laid-back monitor to the genuine colleague to disappointed and irate cross examiner consummately. He is unquestionably going to get recognized by other Bollywood movie producers.

Vineet Singh and Surveen Chawala are amazing in their roles. Surveen gives the hotness remainder in the movie and her scene with her hefty maker spouse will be purpose of talk.

Production Design is Mayur Sharma is in synch with the movie's mind-set. Cinematographer Nikos Andritsakis is fruitful in keeping the reasonable tone of the movie.

In general, the movie is holding, interesting and is effective in unsettling the audience and great point for start discussion and pass time with your gang.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Olacabs, TaxiForSure rope in MapmyIndia for GPS services

Taxi Services Aggregator Security
Taxi services aggregators Olacabs and Taxiforsure have tapped navigation technology provider Mapmyindia to install GPS and tracking devices in their cabs, as a component of measures to make travel more secure and follow as of late proposed norms.

Mapmyindia managing director Rakesh Verma told ET that the organization has installed tracking systems and GPS in around 10,000 taxis working under these companies in the course of the most recent two weeks, including that request is quick surpassing supply. Taxiforsure has additionally installed a frenzy catch inside its autos.

"We got shelled with appeals for installations where the taxi companies needed each vehicle to be traceable," Verma said. The Delhi government has mandated taxi service providers to install GPS devices and give full database of their drivers to police emulating the rape of a female traveler recently, purportedly by a driver of contracted to appbased taxi service Uber. Web-based taxi booking services have following been banned and the Central government is proposing changes to the Road Safety and Transport Bill, which will incorporate taxi aggregators under its ambit.

The GPS and tracking arrangement from Mapmyindia is installed as a gadget that gives precise location, speed and route of the vehicle, and can be followed from a smartphone or an associated gadget whenever. The gadget is furnished with battery go down that guarantees operation if there should be an occurrence of detachment furthermore conveys a caution to the taxi organization. Considering climbing interest among shoppers, Mapmyindia arrangements to retail the GPS tracking arrangement through e-trade locales like Flipkart and Amazon for Rs 10,000.

At present, it offers 400-500 such devices through auto embellishments retailers. Verma said the organization's tracking devices have likewise been conveyed via auto rental firm Avis and visit providers Le Passage to India. Aprameya Radhakrishna, prime supporter and director at Taxifor-Sure, said that the organization is fortifying wellbeing measures with cutting edge GPS systems. "The target is to get all autos in the system to have a GPS and frenzy catch — dominant part of which has been finished — and 'advise a companion' emphasize in our application," he included.

Airtel Introduces VoIP Data Packs for Prepaid Customers; Postpaid Plans Coming Soon

VoIP Charged - Messaging Apps
Bharti Airtel formerly announced that it would begin charging for Voip (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls and today, through a PR, they've uncovered why they are charging independently for the Voip data. They likewise presented their first Voip data pack which is evaluated at  ₹75.

Airtel Voip Data Pack Details

Airtel just presented one Voip calling pack today which will cost ₹75 to the subscribers with 75mb of packaged data which is said to give 200-250 minutes of calling. The legitimacy of this pack will be 28 days. Airtel is supposed to present more Voip packs later and we'll keep this post upgraded when that happens.

The changes aren't material promptly and the prepaid subscribers who as of now have a data pack (subscribed before 25th December) will have the capacity to utilize it as a part of whatever way they need. Appropriate said, Voip calling could be possible utilizing the same, however when it expires, the new data pack memberships wo exclude Voip.

Why Charge Separately for Voip?

Airtel settled on the choice to charge for Voip on the grounds that it is harming their business. As per Airtel, they invested over Rs. 140,000 crores in taking off telecommunications services amid the previous 20 years. Adding to that, they have additionally paid over s. 50,000 crores as far as govt. requires in only 5 years. Consequently, Airtel has invested a great deal and online services are not letting in an enduring ROI for them.

In short, firstly Messaging services like Whatsapp and Wechat affected their revenue from carrier based text messaging (SMS). Presently, as Voip gets all the more promptly accessible, it is supposed to influence administrator's revenues from voice calling. A data pack which was awhile ago used to browse the internet is currently being utilized to do everything else from which carriers earn. Along these lines, such a move is important for long haul sustenance of the carrier's business.

I accept different carriers will be emulating Airtel to take a comparable choice. Everybody out there has invested a considerable measure in making their services accessible and they merit getting a consistent profit for their speculation. This is likewise important to keep the data activity in control while carriers update their ability.

What is Government stand over VoIP?

It is suprizing that Airtel, the biggest telecom administrator in India as far as subscribers, has proceeded with this move regardless of all the debates raised on the issue after it initially reported its plans, which even prompted the Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad to say the government will research the issue.

"We will investigate it. Government will return with organized reaction," Prasad had said on the sidelines of 'Good Governance Day' occasion on Thursday composed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology. 

You can read the whole proclamation from Airtel underneath, which depicts the explanations behind revealing the controversial new Voip data pack that brings up the issue without bounds of internet fairness in India. Quickly, Airtel trusts its ventures to take off voice and data services in India won't see sufficient returns if Voip services keep on proliferaing - to mitigate the issue, it is charging for these services over or more standard data.

Airtel VoIP Data Packs

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Google Nexus 6 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - Best Big Android Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 VS Google Nexus 6
ANDROID Fans in the market for a phablet are at present spoilt for choice, however the Nexus 6 and Galaxy Note 4 emerge as the most notable contenders vying for buyers' attention this Christmas. 

Samsung's Galaxy Note range has long held a reputation for being among the greatest smartphones on the market, and regularly the go-to phablet for a lot of people, yet Google's Nexus 6, with its 6in screen and huge measurements, makes the Galaxy Note 4 look practically petite. 


The Nexus 6 and Galaxy Note 4 are to a great extent comparative in terms of design. Both are crafted from plastic, Samsung's with a faux leather effect rear and Google's with a delicate touch plastic back reminiscent of the Moto X.

Both likewise accompany a metal trim, proposing that Samsung and Google are looking to give their most recent lead smartphones a top of the line style.

While there's minimal in it regarding design, the Nexus 6 is the more massive of the two, measuring 159x83x10.1mm and tipping the scales at 184g.

In correlation, the Galaxy Note 4, while still vast, measures a marginally more reasonable 154x79x8.5mm and weighs 176g.

Lamentably, while Samsung's Galaxy S5 accompanies Ip67 certification, the Galaxy Note 4 does not, implying that its not resistant to dust and water. The Nexus 6, then again, accompanies constrained waterproofing.

Still, provided for its more sensible size, and the incorporation of a prepared in home button, unique mark sensor and heart-rate monitor, this round goes to the Galaxy Note 4.

Winner: Galaxy Note 4


Much like in the design office, the Nexus 6 and Galaxy Note 4 are reasonably equitably matched in the matter of displays, wearing 6in 1440x2560 Amoled and 5.7in 1440x2560 Amoled screens separately.

Provided for its littler screen size, the Galaxy Note 4 has the higher pixel thickness, which comes in at 515ppi contrasted and the Nexus 6's 493ppi.

Be that as it may, regarding quality, its tricky to judge a winner between the two. Both offer extraordinary brightness, sharpness levels and survey angles, however we did recognize that both experience the ill effects of slight shade distortion likely owing to the Amoled technology.

Getting one up on the Nexus 6, the Galaxy Note 4 has the special reward of stylus info, permitting users to doodle and make notes on the display.

On account of this, and the way that the Nexus 6 is to a great degree hard to use with one hand, the Galaxy Note 4 wins an alternate round.

Winner: Galaxy Note 4

Processors and Memories

The Nexus 6 and one of the two variations of the Note 4 have indistinguishable hardware segments, as both are fueled by a Krait 450 processor with four cores, clocked at 2.7ghz, which sits on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 with an Adreno 450 GPU and 3gb of RAM, and both models have 32gb of capacity, however just the Note 4 permits you to grow its capacity up to 128gb. The Nexus 6 has an alternate variation of 64gb, likewise nonexpendable. As we were stating, the Note 4 has an alternate variation of processor which is accessible just in a few parts of the world, and its controlled by Samsung's Exynos 5433 octa center CPU, comprising of two quad center processors: 1.3ghz Cortex-A53 and 1.9ghz Cortex-A57. In any case, the Nexus 6 accompanies Google's most recent Android version, 5.0 (Lollipop), while the Note has the past version, however its cleaned by the Touchwiz UI layer.


The Nexus 6 peculiarities a 13mp back cam with back-lit up sensor, optical image adjustment, 4k video recording, a f/2.0 opening and double LED flash and the front cam is 2mp. The Note 4 hopped to a 16mp ISOCELL BSI sensor with an enhanced f/2.2 opening, it has optical image adjustment, 4k video catch and the auxiliary cam has a determination of 3.7mp.


Both batteries have the same capacity: 3220 mah, yet Nexus 6 has a non-removable battery with 24 hours of talking, while the Note 4, with its client replaceable battery, backs 4 hours less.

Both batteries have the same capacity: 3220 mah, yet Nexus 6 has a non-removable battery with 24 hours of talking, while the Note 4, with its client replaceable battery, backs 4 hours less.

Monday, December 15, 2014

3 Social-Marketing Predictions for 2015

Social Marketing Predictions 2015
Quite a while prior, in a world far, far away traditional advertising vehicles like commercials and print ads were feasible purchase-influence systems for brands and retailers. Notwithstanding, today's shoppers are about as open to these strategies as Star Wars fans were to Jar Binks.

As social and mobile are presently main impetuses in the way to-purchase, the very meaning of "shopping" is developing at an exceptionally quick pace. Taking a page from the George Lucas-helmed film establishment, here's the way another wave of social and mobile marketing is changing the retail amusement in 2015:

1. Location / Area based mobile marketing and customized media will be the new weapons.

What makes for a "decent blaster" in today's retail marketing diversion? Your customer's close to personal mobile, for one. Google reports that 71 percent of in-store customers who use cell phones for online exploration say their devices has gotten to be more paramount to their in-store experience.

Dynamic brick and-mortar stores will underwrite geo-location (IP or Area) based mobile reference points as the best approach to convey advanced and mobile couponing to keep the in-store shopping expereince from getting to be obsolete. Customized, location based offers will be served to buyers by means of their mobile gadgets focused around what and where they're shopping. The same strives for web shopping to battle the feared "relinquished shopping truck." Consumers will be re-focused on social media channels for products they put in their truck to tip-toe them closer to clicking the "Checkout" process.

2. Adjusting SEO and social media methodologies will manage the online world.

Advertisers will at long last wake up to the way that just by connecting SEO and social will their advanced digital marketing work. Search alhos set the establishment down bringing your audience to your offered product/content. Anyhow quality social content that is engaging and enthralling will make the "share factor" expected to help fuel advertisers' SEO inputs. As marketer have long ago seen SEO and social media as two different part of marketing, the future lies in coordinating both online procedures keeping in mind the end goal to drive sales.

3. Advertisers will make their own particular newsrooms to slice through content mess.

Consumers are right now experiencing content over-burden. To slice through the "unrefined matter," advertisers must find better approaches to make their voice listened. One path is through their own particular newsroom. Not of the Meet the Press mixture, however curated smaller than usual substance libraries that live online and on screens in-store that give opportune substance, for example, a blogger's experience utilizing a specific item, a stream of Facebook fan photographs or Amazon reviews. These advanced newsrooms will turn into the new hotspot for securing relevant data, accordingly sending dated print product catalog into obsoletion.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Apple iPhone 6 vs Samsung Galaxy S5 - Best Phone 2014

In the matter of top of the line smartphones everybody considers either the iphone 6 or the Galaxy S5. While one accompanies Android while alternate uses ios the phones focus on the same audience. Each of them has its own pros and cons which can make it hard to settle on a decision on which one is better somebody. It may be less demanding on the off chance that we put them side by side for a comparison so we should hop right to it.

Hardware Breakdown

Apple iPhone6 VS Samsung Galaxy S5

The Apple iphone 6

Apple's smartphones never exceeded expectations with their hardware. The iphone 6 uses a double core ARM v8 CPU running at 1.4 Ghz. Video rendering is taken care of by a quad core Powervr SGX 6450 chip and internal RAM is limited to 1gb. As far as storage there is no external card opening obviously. The cellphone accompanies either 16, 64 or 128 GB of internal storage.

The display is not awe-insiring as far as determination however it conveys well with regards to quality. It is an illuminated IPS LED panel with a determination of 750 by 1334 pixels and a density of 326 ppi.

To wrap things up the telephone accompanies a 8 megapixel cam which appears to offer OK photo quality. Click here to buy Apple iPhone 6.

The Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung appears to concentrate on getting the most compelling hardware for its Galaxy arrangement. The S5 uses a quad-core Krait 400 CPU running at 2.5 Ghz and matched with an Adreno 330 GPU. It has 2gb of RAM and can be acquired with either 16 or 32gb of internal storage. The telephone does accompany a external card opening slot that supports microsd cards with up to 128 GB.

The 5.1 screen features a full HD determination and a pixel density of 432 ppi. Samsung matched this fresh clear display with a 16 megapixel back cam that it fit for recording 120 frames per second at a determination of 720p. Click here to buy Samsung Galaxy S5.

Design Battle

Both phones peculiarity adjusted corners however this is essentially where the likenesses end. The iphone 6 uses an unibody aluminium case with a brushed composition and adjusted sides edges. At the other end we have the Galaxy S5 which is made practically totally out of plastic aside from the side edge which is made of chromed aluminium. Both phones offer fabulous grasp when held and are virtually safe to oily fingerprints on their back. The front of both phones is secured gorilla glass 3 which will transform into an unique mark magnet.

Picking A Side

It is hard to say which one is better however sides must be taken. At last it must be either the iphone 6 or the Galaxy S5. For a normal person it is a personal decision. From a fair-minded perspective both phones have their pros and cons and because of their OS they cannot be thought about. Clients that need ios need to spare some additional cash and get the iphone 6. The ones that like a bit of flexibility ought to get the Galaxy S5.

The iphone 6 would most likely get the prize as far as design and OS steadiness. Apple knows well how to enhance its OS. However ios feels like a more prohibitive OS while Android is more permissive. Samsung's Galaxy S5 wins the prize for equipment and cost. Utilizing the most recent fittings and a compelling CPU helps a ton when running Android OS. However the S5 has a couple of programming hiccups which tend to be settled frequently with updates released by the manufacturer. 

Motorola Moto X (2nd Gen) – Full Features Review

This smartphone is in the less expensive side of the price market, it gives incredible worth for cash and there is no bargain on style or peculiarities it is a decent gadget which is easy to use and slick. The configuration of the Moto x is strong with an aluminum frame, making it significantly more tough than plastics. The smartphone is not difficult to handle and its brilliant wallpaper on boot discharges a feel decent component. One of the prominent gimmicks for this phone is the personalization application Moto Maker, this considers a cowhide spread to be made for the phone adding a touch of class to an effectively extraordinary item. The smartphone camera has is 10mp and features 1.4 m pixel size, geo-labeling, touch center, face discovery, scene, HDR. The working framework is Android OS, v4.2.2 Jelly Bean, upgradable to v4.4.4 (Kitkat), it was moved up to v5.0 Lollipop in December in the not so distant future making it speedier to utilize. The smartphone likewise offers Dual-core 1.7 Ghz Krait CPU and a Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset.

The design of the Moto X is strong with an aluminium frame, making it significantly more tough than plastics. The smartphone is not difficult to handle and its splendid wallpaper on boot discharges a feel decent variable. One of the prominent peculiarities for this phone is the personalization application Moto Maker, this takes into consideration a cowhide spread to be made for the phone adding a touch of class to an effectively extraordinary item.

The smartphone camera has is 10mp and gimmicks 1.4 m pixel size, geo-labeling, touch center, face discovery, scene, HDR. The working framework is Android OS, v4.2.2 Jelly Bean, upgradable to v4.4.4 (Kitkat), it was moved up to v5.0 Lollipop in December not long from now making it speedier to utilize. The smartphone likewise offers Dual-core 1.7 Ghz Krait CPU and a Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset. Not terrible for the less expensive smartphone market.

More Features of the Motorola Moto X include: 

    Moto X (2nd Gen) Features and Reviews
  • Noise cancellation with dedicated mic
  • Google Drive
  • Mp3/Aac+/WAV/WMA player
  • Mp4/H.264/WMV player
  • Document viewer 
  • Voice update/dial
  • Photograph viewer/editor
The battery is a Li-Ion 2200mah which gives 13 hours talktime and standby time of 576 hr. The Moto x uses a Nano Sim and is 2,3 and 4g competent. The smartphone comes in dark or white with 18 choices to browse. With its heap of new specs this smartphone can be purchased for somewhat over £280 in the UK. Obviously this will rely on upon where you shop. At this cost the phone is most likely great worth for cash. Buy your Moto X now.

Several drawbacks of this gadget incorporates the absence of a SD space and low quality from the camera. Notwithstanding, with the greater part of alternate peculiarities and new hypotheses that accompany this phone, it is on the less expensive end of the market. There are a greater number of upsides than drawbacks with this model which can just upgrade its appreciation for smartphone fans.

General the Moto x smartphone is an amazing gadget which matches the needs of the current client. This second era model is quicker with more exceptional peculiarities than the more seasoned adaptation. Fanatics of Motorola phones are certain to appreciate the peculiarities of this smartphone. Other people who are searching for an exceptional smartphone that is great looking and has astounding gimmicks would do well to go for the Moto x model.

Motorola has once more created a gadget of value and style, different brands will need to move rapidly to match this item.. The smartphone is tasteful and simple to utilize, it has a cutting edge style which is well known with smartphone fans.

Not bad for the less expensive smartphone market. General the Moto X smartphone is a phenomenal gadget which matches the needs of the current client. This second era model is quicker with more cutting-edge characteristics than the more established form. Aficionados of Motorola phones are certain to appreciate the gimmicks of this smartphone. Other people who are searching for a state-of-the-art smartphone that is good looking and has astounding gimmicks would do well to go for the Moto x model. Motorola has once more created a gadget of value and style, different brands will need to move rapidly to match this item.. The smartphone is tasteful and simple to utilize, it has a present day style which is prevalent with smartphone fans.

Read news about Moto X (Gen 1) here | Start Customizing your Moto X Now.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reliance Capital to Sell 16 Percent Stake in

Reliance Capital sells Yatra StakeReliance Capital is situated to sell its 16 per cent stake in online travel portal, Yatra for an expected amount of INR 500 crore in order to encash its minority investment. The organization had procured this stake for INR 40 crore in 2006.

As per an ET report, the arrangement is relied upon to be shut in 4-6 weeks and puts the aggregate valuation of the at around INR 3,000 crore. Different investors in travel portal incorporate Norwest Venture Partners (30 per cent), TV-18 gathering (10 per cent), Intel Cap (7 per cent), Valliant Capital (10 per cent) and 6 percent owned by its management group. is specifically contending with Makemytrip which is having a business estimation of USD 1.2 billion with an operating pay of USD 116 million for the year. While, remained at USD 50 million operating pay every year.

A month ago, SAIF Partners had sold off its 2.41 percent stake in Mumbai-based nearby search provider, Justdial for an aggregate sum of INR 254 crore.

It is intriguing how investors are getting along away with their holding in non-retail e-trade organizations, which are apparently gainful as against online retail. Appears as though they feel they have effectively earned as much as they could.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

4 Ways Big Data Will Impact India in 2015

Big Data and IndiaFast data systems and less expensive smartphones, will drive the appropriation of a lot of people new administrations, and set new desires regarding client experience. As I see it, four advances/administrations will make the biggest impact in the Indian telecom market, in 2015. They are Big Data analytics, Internet of Things, Mobile Financial Services, and Network Functions Virtualization.

Here are the four ways how BIG DATA will impact India:

1. Big Data and Analytics both will have a light run beginning 2015 and will be a big boost for the KPO businesses in India: a recent by NASSCOM and CRISIL Global Research and Analytics predicts that the global Big Data business will reach $25 billion by 2015, up from $5.3 billion in 2011; the Indian business in Big Data will reach $1 billion by 2015. (Source: NASSCOM)

As indicated by research by Avendus Capital, the data analytics showcase in India is relied upon to reach $1.15 billion by 2015, and will represent a fifth of India's learning methodology outsourcing (KPO) business of $5.6 billion. (Download Complete Report from here)
2. Big Data & Analytics To Trigger Jobs Growth for India: Big data demand will achieve 4.4 million jobs globally, however one and only third of those jobs will be filled. Gartner says the demand for Big Data is growing, and enterprises will need to reassess their abilities and aptitudes to react to this opportunity. Jobs that are filled will bring about genuine monetary and aggressive profits for associations. US is required to have a shortage of 140,000 – 190,000 analytics experts by 2018, which opens up an enormous open door for item and administration organizations in India. (Source : Gartner)

3. Digital India Powered By The Big Data From Smart Cities: The Indian government's $17 billion driven 'Digital India' program can possibly be an amusement changer for the nation. Coupled with the submitted interests in Smart City Projects by Indian government where it plans to create 100 smart urban communities and has apportioned INR 7060 crores (USD 1b) which is simply the seed cash and not overlooking CISCO's dedication of Usd1.7b in smart city innovations in India. The key trigger for smart urban areas is the Big Data that can be leveraged to enhance resources and make operations of a city more effective. (See Complete Digital India Project Details from here)

India as well as governments crosswise over APAC & Middle East including Japan, Qatar, India, China, Sri Lanka and South Korea, are setting out on smart city initiatives to oversee vitality and asset utilization and plan for further development. These initiatives over the locale will drive huge energy in the advancement of keen social framework arrangements that consolidate progressed analytics, the Internet of Things and machine-to-machine cooperation.

4. The mobile Explosion And Big Data Analytics: With wearable health innovation consolidating in mobile telephony and the way that India is slated to touch 170m-200m imprint in smart telephone reception by 2015, mobile will be the trigger for big data will begin to assume an enormous part in both health innovations and publicizing. That is on account of mobile produces very nearly 10x more data than Pcs. By transforming billions of exchanges each and every day, mobile showcasing organizations like Inmobi refine focusing on capacities and empower ongoing choices focused around geo, client setting and significantly more. In a review led by a global outsourcing monster, more than 80% of the respondents in Indian urban territories communicated the craving to purchase wearable tech, especially in health and wellbeing.

 These are the big 4 reasons in which Big Data is pulling in a great deal of consideration and investment in India and is additionally ready to go about as a significant impetus in general development of the nation's economy. 

Do share your thoughts and ways in which Big Data will impact India or different countries in Asia.

A little less than half the sky

A little less than half the sky
The roads were deserted, the sky was dark and the only thing that engulfed the whole atmosphere was silence. I am not talking about suburbs but about the capital city, New Delhi after midnight.A few days ago I had to go for a friend's marriage from Pitampura to Dwarka. Living alone in Delhi for the past 6 years or so I have never been able to (read dared to) venture out alone after 9p.m..

Which means I have missed a lot of weddings, dinners, parties and umpteen other important occasions and made a lot of excuses to cover up the same. So while sometimes my roommate fell ill at other times I had to slip from the stairs.
But after my stay in Odisha for a year, I feel a little liberated. But this liberation and freedom is also a little scary sometimes. This time when I received the invitation, I decided that neither my roomie is going to fall ill nor am I going to break my leg, I am simply going to enjoy my friend's wedding. Well what about the things like 'Carpe Diem' and 'Equality' and 'Friendship and love'.

 So there I was. I attended the wedding and it was an achievement. And why not? For a Delhi girl in the 21st Century it is an achievement to be out that late. But as the clock struck 10, I started to freak out because I realised that however modern I can pose to be my opposite sex has somehow failed to control their libido. The next one hour was spent in finding cabs and hearing lectures about my foolishness from a friend (all out of care though). Yes I am not the 'plan everything in advance' types, but I am also not 'flow with the current types'.

I wondered if I was really wrong in choosing to come out for this adventure (which for most might not be an adventure at all). And then the recent case of a girl getting raped by a Uber cab driver have given me all the answers. Unfortunately, I don't like these answers but I have to accept them.
I boarded the last metro on the Airport Express Line from Dwarka Sec 21 to New Delhi with a male friend of mine. The friend who was doubting my sanity agreed to pick me up from New Delhi Railway Station and then I saw the Delhi I had never seen. Delhi at midnight is beautiful to say the least (at least from inside the car windows and with guy friends you can trust). Even the dingy hotels of Karol Bagh and Paharganj seem like perfectly placed.

When I looked out of the metro glass I wondered in the past six years had I not missed enjoying one of the most beautiful sights. I mean look at the sky and the surroundings at Dwarka Sector 21 metro station at 11:00 p.m. and you will understand what I mean. My friend who accompanied me in the metro could not stop praising the sanctity of the place on a full moon night.

So as I my friend picked me up from New Delhi with his brother, I hopped inside the car like a child who travels by a train for the first time and gets glued to the window excited about the fact that the trees, the mountains and the houses are moving backward.

I took the backseat and gazed at the same trees, same roads and same houses and shops which I have seen not less than a thousand times in awe and admiration. Look at the Indian Tricolour fluttering at Cannaught Place at midnight, the saffron, the white and the green mixing in each other as well the dark and you can't escape jitters of patriotism. But at the very same instant, I regretted for the not being free enough to witness my own tricolour whenever I want to.

As our car raced towards Pitampura, I wished for the night to never get over. But at the same time, I wished if my city could be a little more safer and could accept me in entirety. I have not traveled much but I just wonder if it is a case in other parts of the world as well. If all over the world females are dependent on a male friend or relative to help her take simple decisions like going out for a friend's wedding. Have we made our homes so unsafe that we doubt everyone.

Delhi is more than my hometown to me. She has taught me how to be independent, she has taught me to celebrate small victories and she has taught me to forget big failures. She has made me witness life closely, she has given me the courage to live out of my comfort zone, she has in a way brought me closer to myself. I refer to Delhi as 'she' because she is both beautiful and desirable but it really hurts to realise that the way I have accepted her, she has not accepted me. She has given me everything from acceptance to friends to love, except the freedom to enjoy my freedom. To cover my head, she has given me (read the female gender) only a little less than what I (read all of us) deserved – half the sky, a little less than half the sky.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Why Big Data is a must in Ecommerce Industry

Big Data and ECommerce
Imagine that Big Data is only one more advertised idea in tech? Reconsider. The buzz encompassing Big Data is a long way from being outlandish. Not just does it permit merchants to addition deeper insights into customer behavior and industry trends, yet it likewise gives them a chance to settle on more accurate decisions to improve pretty much every part of the business, from marketing and advertising, to merchandising, operations, and considerably customer retention.

The following are a couple of more focuses that deeper clarify the effects of Big Data in the ecommerce realm. From enhancing customer experience to creating better products or marketing campaigns, its no doubt that Big Data is the following big thing for online businesses.

More Organized Data

The biggest test for most ecommerce businesses is to collect, store and organize data from numerous data sources. There's unquestionably a considerable measure of data holding up to be examined and it is an overwhelming task for some E-trade businesses to comprehend everything. Big Data makes ready for more organized data and empowers business managers or marketing managers to track and better comprehend a mixed bag of information from numerous distinctive sources (i.e. stock administration framework, CRM, Adword/ Adsense examination, email administration supplier insights, and so on.).

Data-Driven Decisions

Maybe the most capable effect that Big Data has on businesses is that it allows merchants to settle on more educated decisions. Since these decisions are focused around data insights, rather than minor hunches or fragmented information, business managers can take the speculating out of these decisions and anticipate unnecessary using, extravagant trials, or even oversights.

For example, a customer of our own who is in the business of offering bidets leveraged our answer and found that his customers are not as social media smart as he thought they were. Our findings showed that email and telephone calls were his best marketing channels. Thus, he found himself able to make a data-driven decision and centered his marketing efforts on running email campaigns and offers, rather than indiscriminately contributing his financial plan on social network advertisements.

Customized Offers

Big Data likewise lets ecommerce businesses make more customized offers and communications. Big Data empowers merchants to track each client's behavior and put two and two together to focus the best approaches to change over one-time customers into rehash purchasers.

A decent case of this originates from another of our customers, The online store collected various customer data, including skimming patters, login tallies, past buys and then some. then utilized that information to make 5 separate offers, to be specific free sending, 5% off, 10% off, 15% off, and $30 off new products. Each of their customers received a separately customized offer, which is controlled by our Customer Profiling Engine to be more important to their inclination and past behavior.

Subsequently, Bikeberry's sales saw an increment of 133% and client on location engagement expanded by ~200%. Likewise, was additionally ready to spare more cash by not offering rebates that are so big it would be impossible customers who didn't require an enormous motivator to change over.

Xiaomi Redmi 1s final sale today, no registration required

Budget Priced Xiaomi Redmi 1S Sale
Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker figured out how to make a storm in the smartphone market by serving to the masses a pocket-friendly top of the line device, the Xiaomi Mi 3. Nonetheless, the Mi3 sale in India was fleeting with the last sale seen amid the Diwali sales. Xiaomi has finally forever suspended the Mi3, potentially to focus on the Redmi Note or to apparatus up for the launch of the Mi4.

The budget phones evaluated Redmi 1s has seen an exhaustive sale with a large number of handsets been sold out in simply a couple of weeks. However, the Redmi 1s likewise did see the last sale a week back.

Xiaomi has now been running the sale of their next smartphone, the Redmi Note phablet. The device is a mid-plan Android smartphone with a vast display and a respectable hardware.

Today, December sixth, Xiaomi has authoritatively announced via their Facebook page, that the Redmi 1s will have a sale once more, next week. Conceivably, this could be the last sale and another conceivable reason could be that Xiaomi and Flipkart is putting the staying unsold handsets on its last sale. The uplifting news is that the sale will have no registration required, and will see a normal sale (no blaze sale).

The Facebook post expresses that the Redmi 1s will be sold on 8 December on Flipkart. The sale won't require any earlier registrations and will be on sale till stocks last.

So for all you Xiaomi Redmi 1s fans who have passed up a great opportunity for a handset, this is could be the last risk.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Xiaomi Ships Over 1m Mi Bands in Three Months

Xiaomi Mi Band Shipping
Xiaomi has sold over 1 million MI bands in a period of three months, according to the fitness tracker's official Weibo account. The device was launched in July not long from now for USD 13, and went on sale on August 18.

For the present, the device is accessible in China just and will go on sale in Hong Kong and Taiwan on Tuesday. The organization has dispatched 103,000 in a single day, demonstrating that the smartphone maker is picking up a fan taking after for its wearable also.

This fitness band was launched by Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun, including sensors for following different health metrics and can even go about as an alarm clock. The Mi Band can likewise unlock a Xiaomi smartphone as opposed to writing clients password multiple times a day.

According to NDP group report, around 3.3 million fitness bands and action trackers were sold between April 2013 and March 2014 in the US. Out of these, Fitbit made up 67 percent of sales in that one-year period while Jawbone had a 18 percent share.

While the smartwatch business is as of now catching up with the enormous technology firms like Apple, Sony, Samsung and so forth taking a shot at their gadgets to make them more competitive, it gives the idea that fundamental fitness bands have more takers. Despite the fact that smartwatches give more capacities past health following, the low value purpose of keen fitness bands are making them prominent among the wearable fans.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Welcoming Android 5.0 Lollipop OS for Smartphones

Android Lollipop Features - DP2WEB
As we compose this, Android 5.0 an announcement that Android 5.0 L will be first accessible for is LG G3 instead of Nexus 4 and 5 energized the LG community. The developed testing and preview period is currently proving to be fruitful as million Android fans were acclimating themselves with a plenty of remarkable new features. In the past also Nokia annouces their Nokia N1 tablet which contains Android Lollipop would be launched in early 2015.

In the wake of encountering the full and last Android L, numerous will concur with us on the accompanying statement – Google does expect to make Android a software of the future. In fact, Google has arrived at far since the first open prologue to Android in 2007.

The leading and most remarkable update of this new version of Android is the new UI designed under  Google's Material Design. The embodiment of Material Design lies in the experience which is closer to the natural visual sensation that the human eye experiences from its surroundings, including the colors and transition of items.

The primary motivation behind Material Design is relied upon to be an unification of the Android experience over all Android Devices. From phones to Tvs to smart watches, if the gadget is running Lollipop, the interface will feel some piece of the same family, and transitions from gadget to gadget will be more consistent, with things like music, photographs and video recalling where you exited off – says Sundar Pichai, Google's senior VP of Android and Chrome.

Android L will welcome you with some way or another natural looking UI, smoother transition and mellow looking colors helping to remember natural surfaces.

An alternate significant update of Android Lollipop is expanded and more granular control over notifications, which may demonstrate essential for gadgets where this gimmick characterizes client experiences, for example, smart watches. This implies that you can to confine notifications to a couple of particular individuals when you're in a gathering or on individual time.

An alternate peculiarity worth highlighting is a Smart Lock characteristic, which lets clients designate trusted gadget and pair your Android gadget with them to unlock it. With this Android phones get to be significantly more secured than some time recently. 


Different features inside Android 5.0 Lollipop are:

- New battery sparing peculiarity gloating to augment battery life by 90 minutes

- Multiple client records and visitor client account

- Auto reinforcement of pictures

- Complete customization of symbols, menus and so on.

- Easy tab juggling (tablets)

Android is as of now on our LG gadgets for improvement and testing reason and our colleagues and partners equipped with Android gadgets have a gigantic crash on the Material Design idea and the general enhanced security features of Lollipop.

We additionally need to hear your viewpoints? Is it true that you are inspired with Android Lollipop? Impart your considerations in the remarks underneath.

Gangnam Style breaks Guinness World Record

Gangnam Style World Record
Gangnam Style breaks an alternate record! On third December, it has set the record of highest viewership on Youtube. With in excess of 2.15 billion views, it broke the view counter on Youtube, as it arrived at the maximum viewership limit!

In a statement on Google Plus, the site conceded that it couldn't handle the video popularity. It further included that their counter did not enroll viewership beyond 32 bit integer, and they needed to upgrade it to a 64 bit integer, simply on the grounds that 'Gangnam Style' arrived at its furthest cutoff of 32 bit integer.

Psy's 'Gangnam Style' video's record setting does not stop with Youtube just, it additionally beat Guinness World Record  for the video with maximum likes on Youtube! This video has surpassed the Justin Bieber's "Child" as the most prominent video with 806,283,968 views,.

Dan Barrett, Guinness World Records Community Manager, remarks, 'Having been the "Have you seen this?!" video of the most recent two months over the web, its incredible to have the capacity to recompense a record for this tremendously mainstream video. In years past it was inconceivable that something  would be viewed a hundred million times, and now "Gangnam Style" has achieved more than twice this figure in only 3 months on Youtube', according to organization's blog entry.

As indicated by an alternate report by CBSN, Youtube completed and distributed a correlation between 'Gangnam Style' and 'Call Me Maybe' via Carly Rae Jepsen. The examination demonstrated that 'Call Me Maybe' had 1.5 million views every day while, 'Gangnam Style' had in excess of 6 million views every day, which is a ton!

The Korean pop star Psy has unquestionably inspired its worldwide audience with his mark "Horse Dance" in 'Gangnam Style'!


Friday, December 5, 2014

Google to phase out CAPTCHA codes with single click feature

Google introduces No-Captcha
In the event that you've needed an account recently, you've probably seen it: a quick test that provides for you a couple of mutilated words and requests that you write them back in plaintext. The official name is CAPTCHA, a test designed to weed out the robotized scripts utilized for spam, yet its been broken for quite a while. Google recently flaunted a framework that could crack it 99.8 percent of the time, and most spammers are happy to run their scripts knowing only one in ten will sneak past. At the same time despite the fact that everybody knows CAPTCHA is broken, there hasn't been a clear idea of what may replace it.

Early today, Google is divulging the best answer yet. It's called No-CAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA), another methodology based on another API, and its as of now been adopted by Snapchat, Wordpress and Humble Bundle, in addition to different partners. As opposed to asking users to pass a test, Google's new framework prescreens each client's conduct and filters out any individual who's effectively identifiable as human. Most users will just see a check mark — click the box and you've passed the test — while anybody marked as suspicious will be given a more elaborate test. 

Google ReCAPTCHA Features Demo

Sometimes, that test will be the same old text-recognition problem — yet sometimes it will be something new. Google is exploring different avenues regarding more mobile-friendly forms of CAPTCHA, in the same way as a test that would demonstrate to you a picture of a feline and requested that you choose comparative photos from a grid. (Information gathered thusly would likewise be utilized to enhance Google's Image Search, proceeding with the practice from previous tests.) As the project advances, we'll see significantly more versions of the test, based on top of the new, more flexible API.

Google engineers said the prescreening would take a gander at factors like IP addresses and time used on page, yet were cagey about precisely what information would be utilized, refering to concerns that spammers would control calculations accordingly. The prescreening additionally fluctuates broadly from site to site: a little more than 80 percent of Humble Bundle guests were cleared in advance, however for Wordpress everywhere, that number dropped to 60 percent. It relies on upon the guests, additionally on the site's general plan and how clear a flag its sending along to Google.

The old API will stay dynamic, and numerous sites may decline to upgrade, however the general effect will be a ton less translating text for the normal web client - and assuredly less spam. It's likewise an intriguing tackle the present day web, where boundless checking has made passive behavioral distinguishing proof more effective than dynamic testing. Nowadays, the most effortless approach to advise a client is human isn't to make inquiries, yet to perceive how they act. 

Mobile friendly Capchas - Online Security Tools

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Lowering Cart Abandonment with Consumer Trust & Confidence (Infographics)

Cart-Abandonment-infographicDo you run an online shop? Assuming this is the case, you're likely losing cash at this time!

Why? Essentially, on the grounds that certain clients are enthusiastic to purchase your products or services, yet in the spur of the moment decide not to do so! This wonder is called 'Truck Abandonment' and is creating a lot of agony for just about any online business.

What amount of torment? In average, 67.9% of shopping carts are deserted. At the end of the day, for each 100 potential customers, 68 of them will leave the site without acquiring. Regarding income this implies that for each USD 100 income you make, you're losing USD 312 in the meantime because of Cart Abandonment!

Be that as it may there is uplifting news, as well: There are a couple of methodologies that can generously minimize your truck deserting and expand your income! See the infographic underneath!

Click on Infographics for Full Size

Source: Trustedcompany

Monday, December 1, 2014

Flipkart’s Ghaziabad Warehouse Raided

Flipkart’s Ghaziabad Warehouse Raided

A warehouse worked by India's biggest e-business company Flipkart in Ghaziabad has gone under the scanner of the Commercial Taxes Dept. of Uttar Pradesh, which has slapped a penalty of Rs 13.8 lakh on the company, blaming it for non-compliance with the rules identified with import of goods.
"Two trucks were bringing shoes from outside Uttar Pradesh for the Dasna-based warehouse of Flipkart. On the other hand, they were convey a bigger number of goods than they had declared. Likewise, we discovered a blank Form 38 with them, which is an issue of non-compliance," said an official of the raid team.

Form 38 – Whenever one company sends products and merchandise starting with one state then onto the next, an appropriately filled Form 38 should be sent with the goods.

The authority discovered 171 sets of shoes in the truck that were undeclared. As per an alternate report, goods worth INR 47 Lakh have been seized by the powers.

The authority further included that the office has gotten number of grumblings against Flipkart from nearby traders about avoidance of VAT and offering goods underneath maximum retail cost (MRP). Be that as it may, Flipkart representative has denied any such frequency and called it totally wrong. "We are in compliance with the laws of the area and there was no raid or seizure of goods in our Ghaziabad warehouse," said the representative.

The authorities further included that more ecommerce organizations are under the scanner for comparative infringement and that they have begun researching the same.