Thursday, November 26, 2015

Launch of India’s 1st Neighbour-Network App – NearGroup App

To unlock the potential of neighbourhood and solve various concerns, – India’s first social networking app for neighbourhood has been launched in the market today. The launch is backed by a survey indicating 72% of people in India face neighbourhood related issues every month. NearGroup is India’s 1st Free Mobile-App for Neighborhood-Network for users to interact with verified neighbours, build a better neighbourhood, meet like-minded people living nearby, find support for work, solve problems together etc.

The app will assist users to solve women-safety issues in their colony; carpool with nearby people; make local-friends; seek child-care advice from nearby parents; meet similar professionals; borrow items like hammer/ladder etc. More than 20,000 users in Delhi NCR alone registered for the app before its launch.

Speaking at the launch of NearGroup, its Founder, Prashant Pitti, an alumni from IIT-Madras, said “We live in a digital world where boundaries have blurred and people across geographies are connected like never before. Yet, most of us are unaware of who lives in our neighbourhood and in times of need, we travel distances without seeking the help of our neighbours. With the launch of NearGroup, we aim to connect like- minded neighbours for networking opportunities, resolve concerns, build a better neighbourhood to ultimate make our country an even better place to live in. We are confident that the app will appeal to all users”

How will it help people?

1. Seek Help from Neighbours:
- Lost Dog or Keys
- Need to Borrow a Book or a Ladder
- Need to Carpool
- Find Maid, Plumber, Doctor, Electrician, Cook
- Solve together Electricity, Water, Sanitation & Safety issues
- Refer-Jobs within neighbours for career growth
- Discuss their Job with same-field professionals

2. Develop Hobbies along with Neighbours:
- Play Sports together
- Hangout for dinners or movies
- Volunteer together for a nearby-cause
- Exercise, Yoga, Jogging or Mediate together

How to join?

To be a part of your neighbourhood community, users need to download the App (Android / iOS) and register themselves by selecting their Location & Interest. User interest could be: carpool, parenting, sports, yoga, running, gym, dance, painting, cooking, exam-preparations, travelling, start-ups, work-profile, and many others. Depending upon their selection, each user will become part of Groups. Users can only communicate, discuss & meet with members of the Joined-group.

What about Privacy and Security?

NearGroup App allows its users to interact with neighbours. We wish to keep only genuine-users & good-quality of discussion on NearGroup.
Each user has to sign-in via Facebook only so the company can verify their profiles before approving them to be a part of NearGroup. Only genuine users are approved to be members of the group.
User’s mobile-number, Facebook profile, & Location are not shared with any other user.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Starting work before 10 AM is equivalent to torture and is making staff sick and stressed: Researcher

New Research Says Working Before 10 AM Is Equivalent To Torture
When I saw this study, I knew I needed to compose an article about it, however I chose immediately that it would most likely must be composed after 10 AM.

Dr. Paul Kelley, a researcher at Oxford University, has deductively validated the claim that about each worker to ever live has made: that it sucks to work before 10 AM. In an interview, Kelley said:

"Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of grown-ups are totally out of sync with normal nine-to-five working hours, representing a "serious threat" to performance, mood and mental health."

With that data, Kelley has verified that there should be a global shift in the way we work beginning our work days after the fact, as well as beginning our kids' school days after the fact also. Studies have demonstrated that the normal 10-year-old battles to concentrate on school work on the off chance that it happens before around 8:30 AM and that the best instructive results happened at around 11 AM.

Dr. Kelley affirms that the general instructive experience youngsters get, if it somehow managed to happen toward the evening as opposed to morning, would bring about a general evaluation increment by 10% no matter how you look at it. Obviously, beginning mid-morning doesn't simply help kids.

"Staff are generally sleep denied." Kelley declares. "We have a sleep-denied society. It is enormously harming on the body's frameworks in light of the fact that you are influencing physical passionate and performance frameworks in the body. Your liver and your heart have distinctive patterns and you're requesting that they shift a few hours. This is a global issue. Everybody is enduring and they don't need to."

"On the off chance that we take a gander at the associations between the human body, Earth, and the light from the sun's common rhythms, it isn't generally conceivable to change its 24 hour cycle. Later begin times ought to influence each part of society, including jails and healing facilities. In these settings, individuals are typically woken up and given nourishment they don't need. You're more biddable in light of the fact that you're thoroughly out of it. Sleep deprivation is a torture," Kelley proceeded.

Facebook Announces The Winners Of The Internet.Org Innovation Challenge In India

Facebook Announces The Winners Of The Internet.Org Innovation Challenge In IndiaThe Innovation Challenge in India bolsters our vision of a joined world by perceiving individuals why should working make the internet more relevant to women, understudies, farmers and migrant laborers in India. We will probably empower the advancement of applications, sites and online administrations that give genuine quality to the individuals from these critical groups.

In India, just 18 percent of the population has access to the internet. To get one billion individuals India online, the internet should be open, moderate and, in particular, we have to individuals comprehend the conceivable outcomes accessible to them online. Each of the entries we got has a section in making an associated India and we are eager to declare the 12 winners crosswise over four categories: Farmers, Migrants, Students and Women.

We are displaying four $250,000 USD Innovation Challenge Award prizes: one to the main application, site, administration or thought that best addresses the issues of each of the assigned populace categories, and two $25,000 USD Impact Award prizes have been allowed in every class. The winners are:


Innovation Challenge Award Winner: eKutir, gives farmers devices and resources to bolster them all through the whole farming lifecycle, from harvest determination to the support and deals process. The administration empowers farmers and groups by changing over a divided framework into a worked together and associated disseminated model.

Impact Award Winner: Farmily, empowers farmers to reach new purchasers and arrange better costs for rural produce. Disintermediation of the center man in the farmer and purchaser interface.

Impact Award Winner: Farmalytics, expects to make Precision Providing so as to farm simple and moderate cutting edge sensor innovation with strong Analytics to offer farmers some assistance with making data driven decisions like each different business of the 21st century.


Innovation Challenge Award Winner: mySangham, gives vocational training and skill building designed for women empowerment in 100 beginning recognized towns and groups. The administration means to fortify the financial and social security of the country by empowering India's masses with vocational skills in a quick paced, savvy, adaptable path through an online stage.

Impact Award Winner: Embrace Angel, outfits the power of mobile, internet, sensor, and huge data advances to take into account the requirement for neo-natal consideration in non-urban (level 2/3 markets), where an application permits healthcare and therapeutic experts to broaden their backing from a focal arrangement of pooled resources to far off areas.

Impact Award Winner: Rang de Habba, an eStorefront for ethnic products, with an emphasis on supporting neighborhood women artisans. The objective is to likewise expand the worth maintenance to the artisans who are generally abused by more business brands and stages, famous in the business sector.


Innovation Challenge Award Winner: BodhaGuru, makes self-learning products, immersive mobile based learning applications, recordings and a book distributed stage to make learning for youngsters from KG to eighth grade fascinating, relevant and reasonable. Concentrates on creating inventive intuition in kids through storytelling.

Impact Award Winner: Fundamentor, utilizes gamification to fabricate and ingrain life skills for youthful kids in third through ninth grade. The administration concentrates on scientific, verbal, reasoning and basic deduction skills.

Impact Award Winner: LetsIntern, gives understudies from level 2-3 urban communities with internship opportunities by uniting them with small to media estimated businesses by means of an online portal.


Advancement Challenge Award Winner: Helper4U, an online database of jobs that matches semi-skilled migrants in particular categories with potential employers. Concentrated on handling a large need to make straightforwardness, and help migrants specialists discover jobs by removing the mediator who take a large divide of their salary as commission.

Impact Award Winner: Mygram, empowers migrants by offering them some assistance with securing a computerized personality. The SMS-based email administration is focused for clients who are new to the internet. At whatever point some individual sends you an email, you will get a SMS with a connection to that mail. Their email location is <your-telephone number>

Impact Award Winner: mHS City Labs, gives an online store of resources and specialized instruments for migrants who are included in minimal effort development and may need direction on fundamental building workmanship. Objective is to enhance their skill set through how-to instructional exercises.

The challenge was judged by:

Arun Bansal, SVP and Head of Radio, Ericsson
Chris Daniels, VP,
Ameet Suri, Partnerships Manager,
Raj Talluri, SVP of Product Management, Qualco

Thursday, October 22, 2015

European court declares Bitcoin exchange tax-free

European court declares Bitcoin exchange tax-free

The European Court of Justice decided on Thursday that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies can be exchanged tax-free, reports Bloomberg. 

The order takes after a dispute in Sweden that emerged last June between the nation's tax power and Bitcoin forum operator Daniel Hedqvist about whether cryptocurrencies ought to be conceded tax-free status in the nation. 

The court ruled: 

"Transactions to exchange conventional currencies for units of the bitcoin virtual money (and the other way around) constitute the supply of administrations since they comprise of the exchange of distinctive method for installment." 

It additionally noticed that barring such transactions from the tax exceptions given to customary exchanges "would deny it of some portion of its belongings," since the exclusion's point is to counter "the troubles joined with deciding the taxable sum and the measure of VAT deductible." 

In July, the court's Advocate General said in an opinion document that Bitcoin operations ought to be absolved from Value Added Tax (VAT). 

The decision spells a major win for Bitcoin adopters, as it implies that individuals in Europe can purchase Bitcoin with fiat coin without paying taxes on their buy. It puts forth an in number defense for utilizing cryptocurrencies for international transactions. 

It presents an in number defense for utilizing cryptocurrencies for international transactions.

Akismet XSS Vulnerability : Wordpress Security Update

XSS Attack - Cross Site Scripting AttacksA scientist from Sucuri told us of a XSS vulnerability in the Akismet WordPress plugin. This bug influences all versions of the Akismet WordPress plugin since 2.5.0, however we have no confirmation that it has been misused in nature. 

A vulnerability in Akismet found a week ago and due to fact that Akismet is a standout amongst the most broadly utilized plugins for WordPress, we needed to draw it out into the open. 

Akismet is a comment spam channel for WordPress and when all is said in done, it makes an awesome showing. The Akismet team reported on their web journal a week ago that a cross website scripting (XSS) vulnerability had been found in all versions of Akismet since 2.5.0. 

The vulnerability permits an hacker to post a remark on a WordPress site which will execute javascript in the WordPress administrator console. This is a normal XSS vulnerability example and one of the assaults it empowers would permit an aggressor to take a WordPress head's treats and increase regulatory access to a WordPress site. 

There is no proof that the vulnerability has been abused in nature. The Akismet and WordPress teams instantly took the accompanying activities: 

  • They released updates for every single influenced version of Akismet. 
  • The team issued an automatic upgrade of the Akismet plugin on influenced sites. In the event that you saw that your WordPress site was automatically moved up to the freshest version of Akismet, that is the reason. 
  • The Akismet team adjusted their API so that if a hacker did attempt to endeavor a helpless version of Akismet, their API would shut the assault by sifting through the remark the hacker attempted to post. This means when the vulnerability was found and the Akismet team rolled out this improvement, even defenseless versions of Akismet were no more exploitable. 

Kudos to the Akismet team for reacting to this so quickly and completely. In case you're running Akismet, we prescribe you sign into your WordPress site and ensure that Akismet has been redesigned to the most up to date version. 

To update, visit the Updates page of your WordPress dashboard and take after the instructions. In the event that you have to download the plugin compress document straightforwardly, links to all versions are accessible in the WordPress plugins directory.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Report: Social and Mobile Marketing Are on the Rise

Salesforce releases its 2015 State of Marketing report, and the outcomes are exceptionally fascinating for online marketers, enrollment specialists, and marking experts. As Salesforce put it: "Marketers are moving consideration from customary metrics like change rates to metrics that better reflect customer satisfaction." More entrancing discoveries are beneath. 

Salesforce studied a large number of marketers around the globe and found that the top metric for computerized marketing success was "rate of return" at 32% — however took after not far behind by "customer satisfaction" at 30%. "Customer retention" was generally as critical as "customer procurement," with both evaluated at 23%. 

Top 5 Digital Marketing Metrics

Marketers aren't simply captivating online; they're tuning in, as well

A portion of the ways that organizations are looking for customer-arranged success emerge to me. 44% are utilizing online networking engagement, which Salesforce isolates from online networking listening at 37%. Only a couple spaces down, 38% of marketers utilization blogging as a system, 37% utilization videos, 31% utilization substance marketing, and 15% utilization podcasts, for goodness' sake. This demonstrates that there are various convincing, imaginative, and outright fun methods for coming to your audience on the web. I likewise think that it intriguing that online networking listening evaluated an "exceptionally powerful or viable" rate of 68%, the most elevated on the rundown, tied with email marketing. It is safe to say that you are utilizing online networking listening programming as a part of your marketing or enrolling endeavors? 

The significance of social marketing

Comprehensively, the estimation of online networking marketing is turning out to be all the more clear. 66% of marketers now accept social marketing is center to their business, and the same parcel now have a committed group dealing with their online networking endeavors. Maybe most altogether, the quantity of marketers who sort social as an essential revenue source has multiplied since a year ago. 

Top used website 2015What channels are brand utilizing? The main five are Facebook (80%), Twitter (70%), LinkedIn (62%), Google Plus and YouTube (both at 56%). However, the Salesforce report found a scope of new or corner channels, including Line (11%), MySpace (17%), Flickr (20%), and Snapchat (13%). With respect to the best social marketing, one and only site beat out just "videos" at 81% — a site called Tagged, "the informal community for meeting new individuals" (86%). 

This demonstrates not just that your association should be on the "huge five," however that you ought to search for different locales that better mirrors your image or identifies with your audience. Alongside content posts and site articles, consider photographs, videos, infographics, podcasts, and particular substance for destinations like Vine, Line, and SlideShare. 

Mobile at last makes a major sprinkle

Salesforce's feature is "The Year of Mobile Has Arrived — For Real This Time," and the numbers back that up. In 2014, just 23% of marketers were utilizing some type of mobile marketing (like applications, SMS, or location-based capacities). In 2015, that number has multiplied to 46%. 58% of organizations (and 73% of US organizations) have a devoted group for mobile marketing — which implies that more than 50% of all brands have particular partners for both social and mobile, an insane idea five years prior. In the event that your marketing division is too little, it might be time to acquire an organization accomplice to oversee no less than one of these vital activities. 

I additionally think that it fascinating that 35% of marketers consider simply "mark mindfulness" a metric for success. That implies that even non-profits or B2B brands without a retail store can in any case influence mobile to extend your customer base and build revenue. 
Mobile Marketing return on Investment

Looking ahead to 2016

The expense of inaction in social and mobile marketing hopes to move higher. Three of the main five zones of expanded spending for American organizations are in social networking; another is in location-based mobile following. At the point when asked which advances are "most basic to making a binding customer excursion," 52% of marketers named mobile applications. Furthermore, since responsive design can prompt a 130% increment in snaps for emails read on a mobile gadget, 68% of marketers say responsive design is "completely basic" or "critical" to their email marketing battles. Another 46% dependably or regularly incorporate responsive design into their site landing pages. In this manner, even "old" marketing systems like email and websites are being influenced by social networking and mobile devices. 

As indicated by the report, the third-biggest challenge for all marketers around the globe is "staying cutting-edge with current marketing technology and trends. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Safety first - Microsoft Site Hacked

Microsoft Wordpress Website Hacked
Nobody is resistant to hacks. It doesn't make a difference on the off chance that you are a small business with 10 employees or an immense business with 10,000 employees. This was proved when the Microsoft site,, was found to contain various spammy pages and links in its website. The site, as per ZDNet, was running an older variant of WordPress which made it helpless to the attack. This ought to likewise serve as a calming suggestion to every one of us. 

At the point when was the last time you took a gander at the plugins you were utilizing on your site? What about your themes? Do you truly require every one of them? Are there any simply staying there, not upgraded and incapacitated? A significant number of the adventures and hacks that happen today to WordPress sites are an immediate consequence of outdated themes and plugins. In the event that you are unrealistic to ever utilize that truly perfect slider plugin that you never got around to playing with then why do regardless you have it? What about those 10 distinct themes you transferred when you were supposing about upgrading the site? Truly, would you say you are constantly going to utilize them? In the event that the response to any of those inquiries is no, then dispose of them. 

What about the plugins you do utilization? Is there any reason that you are as yet utilizing an old outdated and unmaintained plugin that hasn't been upheld in years? Is the usefulness so vital that you are willing to hazard your site's security on it? Is it worth the time, the vitality, lost business, and lost rest that will inescapably come when your site is misused and diverts everybody to a seaward drug store? With 38,461 plugins in the vault at the season of this passage there are presumably no less than a few that will give the same reason yet that are upgraded and evaluated to work with the flow rendition of WordPress. 

How about we additionally not disregard the core WordPress software. WordPress doesn't discharge new forms just to discharge something. They contain security fixes, bug patches, and, yes, even some new usefulness or changes. In the event that you are running an outdated form of WordPress, then you likely have gaps in your website's security. 

Without a doubt, its enticing to jab fun when the huge fellows get egg all over. In any case, gain from their errors. Keep up your website. Redesign your software, themes, and plugins. The contrast between the enormous gentlemen and you is this: They have a group that will settle their site for them on the off chance that they get hacked. You have you, and in case you're fortunate, a much smaller group. A touch of redesigning and upkeep now will keep you from being the following measurement. 

A bit of redesigning and upkeep now will keep you from being the following measurement.

Source: Wordfence

Monday, April 27, 2015

In Conversation with 132 Connect

Ericsson Innovation Awards 2015
In a time when it is really difficult to get a good job, finding a satisfying career path seems next to impossible. The problem is greater for recruiters as they end up hiring the wrong talent. 132Connect aspires to bridge this gap. In conversation with Kartik Sharma & Pavan, about their Ericsson Innovation Award winning startup, 132Connect.

- What is 132 Connect?
For engineering students: 132Connect is a platform to connect with career opportunities in the market place in a more efficient way. This is done by exposure of student to customized industry information and domain knowledge, helping them being industry ready.

For recruiters: 132Connect is a platform to effectively engage and identify employable talent who are currently non accessible.

- How did you come up with the idea and what is the problem statement that you are trying to solve? 
Both of us have engineering background and experience of working in well structured companies. However after feeling that learning has stagnated in those structures and currently visible jobs do not align with professional interests, we went on to attend series of entrepreneurship focused workshops. The idea of a platform arrived after interviewing students and seeking opinions from experts regarding the current status of higher education ecosystem. We are trying to address inefficiencies in this ecosystem that leads to low employ-ability of students and low visibility of employable students to recruiters.

132Connect finishes 3rd at Ericsson Innovation Awards 2015

- What makes 132 Connect different from other ventures in the same domain? 
Most of current ventures expose students to industry in a generic manner, while 132Connect focuses on matching mutual expectations of industry and a student first, and then exposing the student to industry information in a gradual and personalized manner. This will help a student identify career interests and develop industry relevant skills at the same time.

- How was your experience at Ericsson innovation Awards 2015 and what are your future plans? 
We got constructive feedback at Ericsson Innovation Awards and judging panel appreciated the business concept intermixed with recruiters and domain experts and a personalized approach for candidates who would use the platform. Additional to this, we had opportunity to interact with key personnel from HR department of Ericsson AB.

Getting business concept validated from top of the line professionals is always a motivation booster.

Currently, we aspire to finish the development of the platform and then run a pilot to further refine our business concept. Cash prize from the Ericsson Innovation Awards will help us bear the costs of this stage.

- What is your revenue generation model? 
Subscription plans for recruiters. Though it seems an obvious revenue generation model, a framework will be worked out after insights from the pilot project.

- Anything else you would like to say about your startup?
As Indian higher education ecosystem is experimenting with personalized learning methods. It will be our pleasure to connect with motivated individuals and groups who want to explore the usage of technology to customize learning experience for students.

- About Ericsson Innovation Awards 
Ericsson Innovation Award is an open competition for students all over the world. Take the chance to develop your idea into an innovation that has reached the market. Team Blendlee wins the EUR 25,000 first prize for their platform for self-development based on the concept of blended learning at the event. Taking home a top prize of EUR 25,000, the winners beat off strong competition from runners-up Pik-Do (USA), third-placed 132 CONNECT (India) and Bridge (Ukraine), who came in fourth place.

Reference Pages:
Ericsson press: Link 
Yahoo News: Link 
132Connect FB : Link

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

GitHub is back following 5 days of DDoS attacks

Github DDos Attack
The code management platform GitHub has risen victorious in the wake of continuing just about a week of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

The company figured out how to get workarounds set up to settle the site and come back to typical operations in the wake of encountering accidents since March 26.

San Francisco-based GitHub saw gigantic measures of activity originating from Chinese search engine, Baidu, which brought on the site to seem occupied to different guests.

While GitHub hasn't stuck the assault on any particular association, the pages focused on were ones that connection to duplicates of websites banned in China.

The company has said that it is the greatest assault in its history.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tips & Tricks of Email Marketing @ IAMAI Conference

Email Marketing Summit - IAMAI | Netcore
Just when we all though email marketing was a thing of the past, Internet & Mobile Association of India organised an Email Marketing Summit to re-establish the fact that Email Marketing is one of the best sources of communication and engagement with your customer.

The 3rd Email Marketing conference discussed various aspects of email marketing like use of Big Data, automation of marketing, segmentation, cross and multi-channel marketing, the art of storytelling, new techniques of making marketing more effective and design needs for effective emailing. Here is a sneak-peek to the conference.

Open Education with MOOC Courses Raise Their Game

Open Education - Rising or Dead?
Open education includes resources, apparatuses and hones that utilize a system of open offering to enhance educational access and viability around the world.

Open Education consolidates the conventions of learning offering and creation to 21st century innovation to make an incomprehensible pool of openly shared educational resources, while tackling today's community soul to create educational methodologies that are more receptive to learner's necessities.

The thought of free and open partaking in education is not new. Actually, offering is most likely the most essential normal for education: education is imparting learning, experiences and information with others, whereupon new information, abilities, thoughts and comprehension can be constructed. Open Education looks to scale up educational open doors by exploiting the force of the web, permitting fast and basically free spread, and empowering individuals far and wide to get to learning, interface and team up. Open is key; open permits access, as well as the freedom to alter and utilization materials, information and networks so education can be customized to individual clients or woven together in new routes for different groups of onlookers, extensive and little.

Why is Open Education vital?

Individuals need to learn. By giving free and open access to education and learning, we help make a world where individuals can satisfy this yearning. Understudies can get extra information, perspectives and materials to help them succeed. Laborers can learn things that will help them at work. Faculty can draw on resources from all around the globe. Researchers can impart information and grow new connections. Educators can discover better approaches to help understudies learn. Individuals can join with others they wouldn't generally meet to impart thoughts and information. Materials can be deciphered, combined, broken separated and openly shared once more, increasing get to and welcoming crisp methodologies. Anybody can get to educational materials, insightful articles, and strong learning communities at whatever time they need to. Education is accessible, accessible, modifiable and free.

Open educational resources are most valuable when instructors disseminate them in open configurations, so educators and understudies can utilize those resources paying little respect to the specific specialized stages their schools have embraced. Undertakings like the OER Commons go about as archives for top notch open educational resources.

MOOCs and Open Education

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are also kind of Open Education programs, available for everyone, anywhere, anytime. Individuals call these courses "massive" in light of the fact that their enlistment is open to a bigger number of understudies than customary educational establishments may allow implying that hundreds (even thousands) of understudies may take part in a specific MOOC. Today, numerous schools and colleges have joined associations focused on giving astounding education through MOOCs.

MOOCs are online courses where lectures are ordinarily "canned," quizzes and testing are computerized, and student investment is willful. They accomplish extensive scale by decreasing instructor contact with individual students; students frequently believe in self-paced learning and group discussions. 

Rising of Moocs and Open Courses [Source:]

List of few Open Courseware: MIT Open Courseware, P2PU Courseware, University of the People, Academic Earth, CK12, OER Commons, Connexions, National Repository of Online Courses (NROC), Saylor: Free Education, Education Portal (or, Open Education Week and many more.  

However, besides these experiments, the major development in 2014 has been the Big 3 MOOC providers, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, introducing their own credentials for paid courses. Udacity announced its Nanodegree program (and a new round of funding), billed as “Industry credentials for today’s jobs in tech”. Coursera announced Specializations in January and currently has developed 27 specializations, with more in the works. Specializations are already a strong revenue driver for Coursera. edX also has its version, called Xseries, of which 11 have been announced. Parallely, The Government of India led by Narenda Modi (PMO,India) launched a India specific MOOC platform called Swayam.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Get your WhatsApp voice calling activated for Free

Whatsapp Voice Calling Features
The voice calling feature that WhatsApp had been teasing and testing for quite a while is at last going standard. The WhatsApp voice calling feature is empowered in the most recent form of the WhatsApp Messenger that is currently available for download for Android devices on Google Play (version 2.11.561).

Anyway WhatsApp isn't enacting voice calling feature immediately. Burning users will in any case require an invite, as a WhatsApp call from whatever other WhatsApp user who has the feature activated on his/her application.

The steps to be followed:

1. Go to Google Play and download/upgrade the free WhatsApp Messenger application.

2. Ask whatever other WhatsApp user you know with the voice calling feature activated to call you through WhatsApp.

Taking after the call you ought to discover the WhatsApp voice calling feature activated on your telephone. You will now see another "Calls" tab to one side of the Chats and Contacts tab on the WhatsApp home screen.

While there have been informal APKs skimming around guaranteeing the feature, yet it is prudent that users introduce the application from Google Play or the authorized WhatsApp website.

Friday, March 13, 2015

SQL injection vulnerability in WooCommerce : Wordfence

Wordpress Woocommerce Vulnerability

Yesterday Matt Barry, researchers at Wordfence discovered a SQL injection vulnerability in WooCommerce version 2.3.5 and more established amid a code review of the plugin storehouse. WooCommerce is introduced on more than 1 million active WordPress websites.

Wordfence has quickly reached Woo about the issue and they've been unimaginably responsive, discharging a fix early today with their arrival of WooCommerce version 2.3.6.

We emphatically recommend you instantly upgrade on the off chance that you have not as of now.

The particular issue is a SQL injection weakness in the administrator board. Inside the Tax Settings page of WooCommerce, the key of the "tax_rate_country" POST parameter is passed unescaped into a SQL insert articulation. For instance, a payload of tax_rate_country[(SELECT SLEEP(10))] would result in the MySQL server to rest for 10 seconds.

Since this helplessness requires either a Shop Manager or Admin client account, it would need to be consolidated with a XSS attack so as to be misused.

What to do: Upgrade promptly to version 2.3.6 of WooCommerce which contains the fix.

Thanks to the WooThemes team for instantly tending to the issue and pushing the fix inside a couple of HOURS of accepting the report.

If you don't mind make sure to tweet, FB or email as expected to help spread the saying to your kindred WordPress site admins.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Suicide rates in Britain have risen by 4%

Official suicide statistics discharged on February nineteenth contain disturbing news: suicide rates climbed by 4% somewhere around 2012 and 2013, and the ascent was because of one group: men more than 30. Rates were extensively level among ladies, and among young men—regularly thought to be especially at danger suicide rates fell.

Why are moderately aged men so defenseless? The subsidence hit working-age men particularly hard in Western nations, where social and employment status are nearly connected. A late study in the Lancet, a diary, discovered solid ties in the middle of unemployment and suicide. Roger Webb and Navneet Kapur of the University of Manchester say unemployment is one and only contributing element, be that as it may. Different parts of the subsidence, for example, falling income, "zero-hour" contracting and obligation, might likewise be imperative. 

Suicide Rates - Britain

Source: Economist

50+ hackers arrested in cybercrime 'strike week' raid

Hackers Arrested in Cybercrime Strike Week Raid
The United Kingdom's National Crime Agency (NCA) has arrested 56 suspected hackers in a campaign against cybercrime called "strike week."

Law-authorization officials directed, altogether, 25 different operations crosswise over England, Scotland and Wales, and those arrested were suspected in an extensive variety of cyber crimes including:

  • Network interruption and information theft from MNCs and government agencies
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
  • Cyber-empowered fraud
  • Noxious software and virus improvement

The strikes directed by NCA were composed by its National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU), exceptional officers Metropolitan Police and Regional Organized Crime Unit's (ROCUs), connected with nearby strengths around the UK.

The arrested hackers additionally incorporate claimed hackers suspected of being behind attacks on Yahoo, the US Department of Defense (DoD), and PlayStation. The rundown of hackers arrested in the operation is given beneath:

  • A 23-year-old man was professedly in charge of rupturing a satellite interchanges framework utilized by the US Department of Defense. The programmer got to 'non-secret contact data' of very nearly 800 clients, including name, title, email addresses and telephone numbers and picked up control over data from 34,400 gadgets, including IMEI numbers. 
  • An additional 21-year-old London man was arrested who is suspected of being a charged individual from the D33ds Company hacking aggregate, the gathering that hacked into Yahoo in 2012 and posted upwards of 450,000 email locations and passwords on the web. 
  • An affirmed individual from the Lizard Squad, the notorious hacking gathering which asserted the obligation regarding bringing down the Xbox Live and PlayStation networks over Christmas, was arrested in Leeds, Yorkshire, BBC reports. Lizard Squad part is accepted to be 16-year-old adolescent who was additionally behind the attacks on upwards of 350 sites, including Lenovo. 
  • A 20-year-old man from Hackney, London was arrested on suspicion of submitting a £15,000 phishing attack
  • A 22-year-old was captured on suspicion of creating and dispersing malware.
  • Numerous more suspects were arrested among above; you can read the NCA's full rundown of arrests here.

"The 56 arrests around the nation not long from now are a consequence of the fundamental partnership action with law requirement, industry and government that is at the heart of battling cybercrime," said Andy Archibald, Deputy Director of the NCA's National Cyber Crime Unit.

This is't first time when law-implementation agencies have led such gigantic strikes in cyber crimes cases. A year ago, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) additionally led a gigantic assaults in Europe and Australia, and arrested more than 100 clients of Blackshades Remote Administration Tool (RAT) malware.

Blackshades and other malware like it permits hackers to remotely control victims' computers, turning on webcams, taking usernames and passwords for email and Web administrations, individual data, and dispatching further attacks on different computers, without the information of the PC manager.

The pernicious project alters itself in such a path, to the point that it avoid identification from the PC's antivirus software. Blackshades has been sold by means of PayPal and underground discussions following no less than 2010, which cost as meager as $40.

Notwithstanding, the late attacks completed by NCA didn't simply target hackers behind remarkable attacks or particular cyber crime. Rather it has arrested hackers behind phishing attacks, malware, furthermore companies that offered web facilitating to known criminals.

'Strike week' likewise recommends that the agencies was checking every single action of cyber crimes and in addition hackers and gathering solid proofs against them. Utilizing that data, the officials raided and arrested an extensive rundown of cyber criminals.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Infographics - How to avoid getting Hacked

The late big name hacking episode and Home Depot data breach may have you worried about your online security, and rightly so. As we bring more parts of our lives online — social, shopping, saving money, stockpiling — the dangers of cyber crime increment. Anyway there are ways you can better ensure yourself.

The infographic underneath outlines the most widely recognized ways hackers access data and the errors consumers make that abandon them powerless against getting to be exploited people.

How to Avoid Getting Hacked (Infographic)

New York City hit with DDoS attacks, government email service knocked out

DDoS Attacks - Hacking News
For the entire of last week, and up until this Monday, unknown hackers had knocked of New York City government's email framework. The attack was really savage, as per a City Hall source, who said that the "universal denial of service attack had now been contained, however there was all the while "ongoing pernicious activity". Pretty much all government agencies, including the FBI and NYPD, were not able to send or get email messages. A few agencies set up interim Gmail accounts so they could keep on working. 

DDoS or Hack?

It is not known whether New York City government sites were under DDoS attack or were hacked in light of the fact that Albano included that no touchy data or data was bargained amid the attack. He however said that this was a "big attack" yet made light of its impact on New York City taxpayer supported organizations.

Remarking on this, Lancope CTO, TK Keanini, said:

"Anything associated with the Internet is liable to this sort of occurrence period. Perusers ought to at any rate read this and consider their business coherence plan. A prepared and arranged safeguard is not something the attacker is depending on Architects observe on the grounds that building in strength from the begin is about outlining in view of this danger model. Such a large number of hold up and endure an outage before they make the venture." 

Albano said that MSISAC,  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and NewYork Police Department are investigating the incident and it is still not clear who initiated the attack and why.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

WHO approaches countries to reduce sugars intake among adults and children

Eat Less Sugar, Stay Healthy : WHO
Another WHO guideline prescribes adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to beneath 5% or around 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day would give extra health advantages.

Free sugars allude to monosaccharides, (for example, glucose, fructose) and disaccharides, (for example, sucrose or table sugar) added to foods and drinks by the maker, cook or shopper, and sugars commonly introduce in nectar, syrups, organic product squeezes and organic product juice condensed.

"We have robust proof that keeping intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake reduces the danger of overweight, obesity and tooth rot," says Dr Francesco Branca, Director of WHO's Department of Nutrition for Health and Development. "Rolling out strategy improvements to help this will be key if countries are to experience their responsibilities to reduce the trouble of noncommunicable diseases."

The WHO guideline does not allude to the sugars in new foods grown from the ground, and sugars characteristically display in milk, on the grounds that there is no reported proof of unfriendly effects of devouring these sugars.

A significant part of the sugars devoured today are "covered up" in prepared foods that are not generally seen as desserts. For instance, 1 tablespoon of ketchup contains around 4 grams (around 1 teaspoon) of free sugars. A solitary container of sugar-sweetened pop contains up to 40 grams (around 10 teaspoons) of free sugars.

Overall intake of free sugars changes by age, setting and nation. In Europe, intake in adults ranges from around 7-8% of total energy intake in countries like Hungary and Norway, to 16-17% in countries like Spain and the United Kingdom. Intake is much higher among children, running from around 12% in countries like Denmark, Slovenia and Sweden, to about 25% in Portugal. There are likewise country/urban contrasts. In rustic groups in South Africa intake is 7.5%, while in the urban population it is 10.3%.

Decreasing sugars intake to less than 10% of total energy: an in number recommendation

The recommendations are in light of analysis of the most recent scientific proof. This confirmation shows, in the first place, that adults who expend less sugars have lower body weight and, second, that expanding the measure of sugars in the eating routine is connected with a weight increment. Furthermore, research demonstrates that children with the most noteworthy intakes of sugar-sweetened drinks are more prone to be overweight or hefty than children with a low intake of sugar-sweetened drinks.

Further reduction to less than 5% of total energy intake: a contingent recommendation

Given the nature of existing studies, the recommendation of decreasing intake of free sugars to beneath 5% of total energy is introduced as "restrictive" in the WHO framework for issuing confirmation based direction.

Few epidemiological studies have been attempted in populations with a low sugars intake. Just three national far reaching studies permit a correlation of dental caries with sugars intakes of less than 5% of total energy intake versus more than 5% yet less than 10% of total energy intake.


Source: WHO Media Center

World Health Organization: Limit Headphone Time To An Hour Per Day

World Health Organization: Limit Headphone Time To An Hour Per Day
Wrenching up the tunes today may prompt the failure to hear them tomorrow, concurring the World Health Organization. Young people have a tendency to turn the volume excessively high on their mobile music gadgets, and also visit noisy shows and clubs. Thus, more than 1.1 billion people ages 12-35 are at danger of listening to misfortune, the WHO said in a late proclamation.

A few studies have demonstrated that the quantity of young people with harmed hearing has expanded over the previous decade, likely on account of the uplifted utilization of iPods and cell phones to play loud music. In 1994, 3.5 percent of American teens experienced listening to misfortune, however that number rose to 5 percent by 2006. To battle this expand, the WHO prescribes listening to mobile gadgets for a most extreme of one hour per day, and the volume ought to stay around 60 percent.

The thought is to minimize perilous listening practices, which rely on upon two factors: to what extent you listen and how loud the sound is. The sound of a regular discussion is 60 decibels, which won't result in any listening to issues. In any case a sitting out of gear bulldozer is around 85 decibels, which can result in permanent harm after eight hours. Sounds like an applaud of thunder or even a nearby vuvuzela time in at 120 decibels, harming hearing after only nine seconds. Listening to misfortune from these loud, managed sounds can be prompt, or they develop after some time as the fragile structures in the internal ear get to be more harmed.

Be that as it may, headphones can be both great and terrible for our sound-related health, as per Kathleen Campbell, an educator at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine who spends significant time in audiology. Over-ear or clamor scratching off headphones are perfect, in light of the fact that they urge people to turn down the volume of the music they're playing. People have a tendency to incline toward their music to be relatively louder than any foundation commotion, however in the event that they can't hear that clamor, they're not as slanted to turn up the music's volume. Defective headphones, then again, make us more prone to turn up the volume, which can be awful news; headphones at greatest volume can debilitate hearing in only four minutes, and numerous young people don't even understand that those stunning impacts can be permanent.

To prevent listening to misfortune considerably further, WHO takes note of that headphone producers and government regulators ought to do their part to create listening gadgets that don't unavoidably affect listeners. Loud venues like shows or clubs ought to offer earplugs or calm spaces where benefactors can show their ears an a bit of mercy.

However meanwhile, WHO says its dependent upon listeners to deal with their listening ability. The sort of music you listen to isn't as imperative as its volume or span, Campbell says, "yet devotees of distinctive sorts of music have a tendency to have diverse volume inclination." Using commotion dropping headphones may help listeners oppose the allurement to turn it up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

5 Hottest Gadgets At The MWC 2015

The Mobile World Congress has kicked in and each gadget manufacturer is all eager to draw out their best devices which will modernize the gadget world in their own particular manners.

Thus, precisely here are a percentage of the coolest and most awaited devices in the MWC not long from now being good to go to shake the stage and take the viewers for a twist with their different gimmicks and dashing looks as gathered by the Economic times.

# Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

A standout amongst the most awaited dispatches from Samsung flaunting a totally distinctive look on the appearance is the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. The Phone was unwrapped at the Mobile world congress not long from now and is accepted to be worthy competitor to different phones in its range.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge packs in a very much an affluent equipment with great camera and screen on board. It accompanies a 5.1-inch Super AMOLED showcase bragging a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels and runs on the most recent version of the Android OS. The telephone has a 16 mega pixel back camera with a 5 mega pixel front confronting snapper.

The extent that the memory goes, it gets a 16, 64 and 128 GB of internal memory with no alternative of growing it further. On the equipment front, it accompanies an influential processor supported by a 3GB of RAM and the Smartphone is fueled by a 2600 mAh battery.

# Huawei Talkband N1

Huawei Talkband N1 Earphones
Huawei Talkband N1

Here's something for the wellness monstrosities from the place of Huawei, the Talkband N1. These Bluetooth headphones are totally water and sweat safe and accompany 4GB of internal stockpiling memory. It connects through Bluetooth and is equipped for playing the greater part of music configurations.

One of the best peculiarities of the talkband is the voice notices which illuminate you about what number of steps you have taken and the separation left to be secured. Weighing around 18 grams, this Bluetooth headset is extremely lightweight and can stay 108 hours in stand-by mode going on for like 4.5 hours of talk time with playing music for 7 hours.

# Prototype Modular Parts By Yezz Mobile

Yezz Project Ara Modular phone
Up to 11 modules, including the screen, can fit into the phone's shell

This model intended for the Google's undertaking Ara from Yezz Mobile is all situated to tackle the MWC with its diverse methods for collecting a Smartphone. This particular telephone accompanies a metal endoskeleton and various modules fixed to it with help of electro changeless magnets.

It gets the Processor, speakers, back camera, streak, SIM card, battery and remote charging port modules on the once more of the aluminum endoskeleton which are joined to it.

Then again, the Display and front camera modules fixed on to the front. The best part is that, the whole development of the Smartphone is held together by electro lasting magnets.

# LG Watch Urbane LTE

The Korean organization LG is truly setting great pace in the innovation market with its Smartphones, Tv's and part all the more new gadgets. In this way, this time here's something which is normal
LG Watch Urbane LTE Review
LG Watch Urbane LTE
nowadays and is radically trending in the tech world now, Smartwatch. Meet Watch Urbane LTE from LG with the most premium looks and runs on the Lg wearable stage OS.

It is simply not the premium looks, this LG Watch shows off a really decked up spec sheet as well. The presentation is a 1.3-inch POLED showcase with a resolution of 320x320.

The equipment comprises of a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with a clock speed of 1.2 GHz upheld by a 1GB of RAM. The Smartwatch is totally water and dust proof and accompanies an internal stockpiling memory of 4GB. On the battery side, it is controlled by a 700 mAh battery.

# HTC One M9

HTC One M9 Smartphone
HTC One M9 Smartphone

HTC One M9 is supposed to gimmick stereo speakers alongside best materials on the Smartphone to guarantee the best form quality.

The most developed enhancements on the telephone is its back camera furnished with a 20 MP sensor with Sapphire lens. Furthermore now the M9 gets the Ultra Mega pixel camera innovation on the front to guarantee you get staggering selfies.

The telephone accompanies a 5-inch Full HD show and runs on the most recent version of the Android 5.0 Lollipop.

On the equipment front , the telephone gets a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor upheld by a 3GB of RAM and the telephone is controlled by a 2840 mAh battery. 

Source: MWC 2015